Adding IFERROR Formula


Smartsheet Community:

I am Trying to Add IFERROR to The Below Formula, but Receving an Error.

Current Formula:

=ROUND((COUNTIFS(CHILDREN(), OR(@cell = "Pass", @cell = "Fail-4Front Review", @cell = "Fail-Shorr Review", @cell = "Re-Test Ready")) / COUNTIFS(CHILDREN(), @cell <> "")) * 100) + "%"

Modified Formula with UPARSEABLE Error:

=IFERROR(ROUND((COUNTIFS(CHILDREN(), OR(@cell = "Pass", @cell = "Fail-4Front Review", @cell = "Fail-Shorr Review", @cell = "Re-Test Ready")) / COUNTIFS(CHILDREN(), @cell <> "")) * 100) + "%"))

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