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How to address column restriction error and value does not conform to req for PICKLIST?

Within Data Shuttle, 4 days ago I started having Data Shuttle workflows that would not work. I am trying to upload data from an excel sheet that is housed in one of my other Smartsheets. The workflow error states "Unable to update row in target sheet : CELL_VALUE_FAILS_VALIDATION: The value for cell in column 9950538889 did not conform to the strict requirements for type PICKLIST." I have restarted all Smartsheets, tried remapping the workflows, and I can't get it to work. This error is happening on other Data Shuttle workflows/different sheets also. I also have an additional error on other sheets that states "Failed to insert 1 row because the columns in the target sheet are restricted. Please review your column settings." How do you determine which column is 9950538889? What is a PICKLIST? I also have no idea what made columns restricted. How do you make them unrestricted? I am not using any APIs, just Data Shuttle uploads/downloads to move data around numerous sheets. Thanks for any help you can give.


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