Formulas and Functions

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Sum with CountIfs

I'm trying to sum if column 1 below = Yes and column 3 below = Yes.....I would like to return the value 2 since both say Yes. My formula isn't delivering this result.

=sum(countifs([Frame JC306395 Has Green QC Inspection Sticker]@row,"Yes",[2 Capacitor Racks Have Green QC Inspection Sticker]@row,"Yes))

Best Answer

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭
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    You don't need a SUM, as SUM will add what is within a cell. Just combine 2 COUNTIF formulas and you are golden, UNLESS you are only counting them if both are YES...

    =COUNTIF([Frame JC306395 Has Green QC Inspection Sticker]@row,"Yes")+COUNTIF([2 Capacitor Racks Have Green QC Inspection Sticker]@row,"Yes)


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