Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Not sure why I cant get this to work? TIA for any guidance!

Need assist on another formula:

=IF(CONTAINS(Tier@row, 3), "ME", IF([Independent Reviewer]@row = "ME"), "AH", IF(CONTAINS(Tier@row, 4), "SM", IF([28. Assurance Project PIC]@row = "SM"), "JL"))

I am getting an error: "#CIRCULAR REFERENCE". 

Again, any help is greatly appreciated!


  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    What column are you putting this in? Circular reference means you are using the cell that the formula is posted in, or you are using a cell that another cell is using to sort the formula. Please post a screenshot with a follow up if that isn't what the problem is.

  • Here is a snip:

    I am writing this in the "Independent Reviewer" column. If "Tier" is "3", want to return "ME", if #28 is "ME", then return "AH".

    If "Tier" is "4", want to return "SM", if #28 is "SM", then return "JL".

    Also, if "Tier" is "NA", want to leave blank.

    Thanks for any help!

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