Formulas and Functions

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Counting two things for a formula

edited 03/20/24 in Formulas and Functions

Hi there! I'm a little stuck on a formula and could use some help...I'm looking to count the following:

Under Numbered Sites Inactive, I'd like to separate it by opted out and selected out. So I'd like to count two things from the source sheet:

  • The column with the "numbered site" has a number assigned to it (so essentially, not blank)
  • The column with the checkbox opted out or selected out is checked off

This is what I have so far and it just gives me zero

=COUNTIFS({Site Number}, @cell = 1, {Inactive-opted out}, 1)

The site number I put so it's counting any site that has an assigned number to it and any site that has the opted out checked off (checkbox column). Where is the logic in the formula going wrong?


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