Working days since initial request date


Hi everyone,

This I'm sure will come super easy to many of you. However, I'm attempting to compile the "Working Days Open" based on the "Initial Request Date" which is pretty simple.

=NETWORKDAYS([Initial Request Date]@row, TODAY())

Where I am having an issue is this:

For the row in RED…What are the "Working Days Open" IF "Current Stage" is "Completed" based on the "Estimated Completion Date"?

For the above example when "Current Stage" is set to completed, "Working Days Open" should not advance past what it shows at the time "Current Stage" is manually set to "Completed"

and if "Current Stage" is "In Progress…" calculate "Working Days Open" since "Initial Request Date until "Current Stage" is set to "Completed"

Hope this is making sense.

Thank you for your time


  • bisaacs
    bisaacs ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hey @Glen O,

    What I would do is create a helper column that records when the Current Stage is changed to "Completed" via automation (make the status change the trigger then use the "Record Date" block).

    From there, I would use this formula in the "Working Days Open" column:

    =IF([Current Stage]@row <> "Completed", TODAY()-[Initial Request Date]@row, TODAY() - [Recorded Date]@row)

    Hope this helps!

    If my response was helpful in any way (or answered your question) please be sure to upvote it, mark it as awesome, or mark it as the accepted answer!

    I'm always looking to connect with other industry professionals, feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn as well!

  • Glen O
    Glen O ✭✭


    Thank you, I will work on incorporating and see if that will work.


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