Smartsheet Basics

Smartsheet Basics

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Linking multiple sheets into one master sheet

I am wondering how to have multiple sheets link into one master sheet. Anytime a change is made on the sheets, I need those changes to flow and update the master sheet.

Background: I am overseeing the projects for a large team and need one master source sheet of data with all of the information. Each project owner has their own sheet where they list the project name, scope of the project, status, project team members, etc. All of the project owner sheets have the same columns. I need the master sheet to pull in all of the rows from each of the project owner sheets and update when the individuals project owners sheets are changed.

I have tried the copy row, however, as it says it only copies the row and does not have the dynamic, continuous updates.

Best Answer

  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Lauren S

    I think the simplest solution in your use case is to use a report. You can include all the sheets and all the columns (or just some if there are any you don't need). Click on Create and choose a row report. Then have a play around to see if it meets your needs.


  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Lauren S

    I think the simplest solution in your use case is to use a report. You can include all the sheets and all the columns (or just some if there are any you don't need). Click on Create and choose a row report. Then have a play around to see if it meets your needs.

  • I've generated a report off of a folder to accomplish the above and see it only selected the sheets within that folder at the time I created the report. The folder will continue to grow with new sheets added each week - is there a way for the report to refresh as new sheets are added to the folder? The refresh I have is not working, I must go in and re-select the folder for it to pick up the new sheets added to the folder since the last time I edited the report sheet.

  • ✭✭

    Has anyone found a way to do this into a SHEET not REPORT? I want to do the same, I was able to do it with automation by copying data from each individual sheet into a master sheet, but this creates a copy of the data. If the data in the original sheet changes, the master sheet data does not.

    The reason I want to do this in a SHEET and not REPORT is so that I can manipulate the database as if it were a sheet, and also be able to add new columns to be manipulated in the master sheet. I can also generate reports from that sheet for different filter categories.

  • I'm also trying to do the same. We have a master sheet that has every single project, but for each project, we want a separate simple sheet to talk to the master and update the project status, which contains a dropdown list. We want that dropdown in the individual sheet to update the dropdown phases of the project in the master sheet with the same choices, as users want this automated.
    I look forward to solutions, for example, perhaps using a separate updated metadata sheet as I create new sheets and delete them when projects are completed. The aim will be to use that data for separate dashboards.

  • To be more specific, you can accomplish this IF you know the number of rows you will have, by using "Link cells from another sheet"

    However, what if you DO NOT KNOW the rows needed. @Smartsheet - is there a feature available that will allow you to place contents of ENTIRE sheet, creating rows as needed from multiple sheets into one?

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