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Past Due with IF Formulas


I am trying to create an IF equation that allows a column to be either "Past Due" or "Not Due" depending if the last inspection was more or less than 7 days that today's date. The column is not drop down but text format

=IF(TODAY() > [Date Inspected]@row + 7, "Past Due"), IF(TODAY() < [Date Inspected]@row + 7, "Not Due")

Is this possible?




  • ✭✭✭✭

    Do you really need the second equation? wouldnt you just have the false side of your if statement be "Not due"?

    =IF(TODAY() > [Date Inspected]@row + 7, "Past Due", "Not Due")

    The formula you provided was close but had an extra IF statement that was not necessary. The correct formula only needs a single IF statement because you're handling two conditions: either it's past due or it's not.

  • Community Champion

    @Pete Panos

    try simplifying it

    =IF(Today()>[Date Inspected]@row + 7,”Past Due”, “Not Due”)

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