How to list all rows that have at least one checkbox?
I am in a conundrum. I am trying to pull the names from the Name column, for each row that has at least one checkbox. The list of names corresponds to people who have used this business unit and the check boxes denote if they have used it in any quarter of 2023.
I can't seem to get the INDEX(COLLECT()) to work. Here is what I think should work for just looking at the 2023 Qtr1 column checkboxes, and ignoring the others, but will not:
=INDEX(COLLECT({CAMP 2023-locked Range 2}, {CAMP 2023-locked Range 1}, 1), @row)
"CAMP 2023-locked" is the sheet name, Range 2 is the Name column, and range 1 is the 2023 Qtr1 column. I know this doesn't analyze all columns of check boxes, I can add the OR() function easily enough if I can get this to work.
I can count the number using the COUNT() function, but this is not a solution, because I would like to do this with several sheets (each from their own business unit), and then see a list of the unique names across all business units (essentially get rid of duplicates from the separate lists) that have at least one checkbox.
Using JOIN(COLLECT()), I can get the list, but it only prints in one cell, and I can't find a way to parse it by the delimiter I gave it.
What am I missing?
Thanks for any and all help!