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Updating Column Dropdown List using an API or other alternatives

edited 08/05/24 in API & Developers

Hoping someone can assist. I am aware that a Data Shuttle can be created to achieve what I am looking for, but due to the expense of a Data Shuttle I am looking for alternative options. Can anyone provide me an example of something they built using the API option or something else that worked on updating a dropdown list dynamically? Thank you in advance!


  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    I can help you with the logic ::

    Create a sheet that contains the following columns:

    • sheet source (for the dropdown content) ID
    • column source (the dropdown itself) ID
    • the destination sheet ID
    • the frequency
    • any other rule

    then create an script that will read each row retrieving the contents of the column in the source sheet

    create a list with the fields of the dropdown

    then in the destination make sure you set the column as multiple choice

    use https://smartsheet.redoc.ly/tag/columns#operation/column-updateColumn

    making sure the field type is according to the column type,

    read the frequency and execute accordingly.

  • ✭✭✭

    Hello. I appreciate your response Alex, but I would need more details and an example on these steps especially the script part. I am basically clueless on API methods. Thank you

  • ✭✭

    Does anyone else feel like this should be a standard feature?

    I’ve wonder if control center would also do this? I think it would still be manual, but if I could update all sheets at once with the new drop down list that would be much better. Currently I have to manually go to each sheet, even though they all come from the same template, and update the data validation on that row.

  • Community Champion
    edited 08/11/24

    Hi @Saul C.

    It was previously possible to update dropdown list options in SCC, and now it is also possible to do the same with multiple dropdown lists

    Site faviconControl Center: Global Update Multi-Select Column

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