Smartsheet Basics

Smartsheet Basics

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Timeline View: conditional formatting turns everything gray?

When using the Group feature in Timeline View, I appreciate how each group is given its own color.

However, I would like to use conditional formatting to color bars a different color when a condition is met. However, when testing this, every time I use any type of conditional formatting, it turns the entire timeline view gray. Is there any way around this??

Example 1 (Default colors when grouped, no conditional formatting)

Example 2 (when conditional formatting is used)


  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    @DD04 Good morning — I worked with this yesterday, had something similar — come to discover that some of the conditional formatting was set for certain columns, and not entire row. If you have certain columns flagged there is no option to colorize the bar that is used in Gantt and Timeline.

    Image 1 — Certain Columns are selected, so no bar options

    Image 2 — Set for Entire Row, so bar options display

    I hope this helped!

  • ✭✭✭✭


    Were you able to solve the issue you described in your original post? I am having the same issue. When I create one conditional formatting rule to change one bar type to red, the whole Timeline View turns gray except the one I just turned red. 😣

    On another note, how were you able to force Milestone Tasks 2.1 and 2.2 to display below Task 2 in your Phase 3 Group? All my milestones display at the top of the group, and the task bars display at the bottom of the group. I have tried reordering and making parent-child relationships to reposition the milestones, but I haven't been able to achieve what is in your screenshot above.

  • I am running into this same issue. If I apply conditional formatting of any kind to the task bar, then the colors of the categories all turn gray. If I remove or disable my conditional formatting, then the default colors for the groups appears, but there is no way to adjust those colors. Very frustrating.

  • Came here to add my voice. Same behaviour as above. Seems like a bug.

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