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How to delete/move a row from the final sheet and not mess up the formulas.

This discussion was created from comments split from: Copy one column to new sheet as rows are added.

Best Answer

  • ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Last post…still interested in getting help with this. However, as a work around, I:
    1. Created a Helper Column that I put - in each cell down to row 50

    2. That allowed me to create a Auto Number Column.

    3. Made the 'Matching Row ID': =MATCH([Auto ID]@row, [Auto ID]:[Auto ID], 0)

    4. Then, had to make the Title Column: =IFERROR(INDEX(COLLECT({Title_HelperSheet}, {RowID_HelperSheet}, VALUE([Matching Row ID]@row)), 1), " ")

    Now, hoping that doesn't somehow break for the other columns I'm pulling from the Helper Sheet. Would love to be able to do this without the #1 Helper Column because that is a manual helper that has to have data, which means making sure that we remember to increase the - down if needed.


  • ✭✭
    edited 08/19/24

    Opening this back up as well because I would also like to delete/move a row from the final sheet and not mess up the formulas.

    I'm getting into a bit of a circular challenge.

    Sheet A - Drop down is selected and whole row is copied to helper sheet

    Helper Sheet - Has a column with an Auto # column that advances as the rows are added

    Sheet B - base information all will be pulled from Helper sheet including the Primary Column, which is the title.

    I have set up references for all of the columns that I need. We'll start with the Title (Primary Column).

    Sheet B Columns: Title, Matching Row ID

    This works. However, if I manually type the Row ID or use a formula [Matching Row ID]1 + 1, then, when we are done with a row and want to archive it, it breaks the remainder of the columns.

    So then, I added an Auto ID column to try and fill the Matching Row ID, but you have to have data to get it to make an Auto #, and this data is dependent on a helper sheet.

    So, then, I tried to make something that would create a number that isn't an Auto ID but I did call it that as the column name [Auto ID], and it is either #Blocked or #circular reference since the Title/Primary is an Index/Match formula:
    =COUNTIFS(Title$1:Title@row, OR(ISBLANK(@cell), NOT(ISBLANK(@cell))))
    =MATCH([Title]@row), [Title]:[Title], 0)
    =MATCH([Auto ID]@row, [Auto ID]:[Auto ID], 0)

    So, how can I create a formula that will advance the Row ID so that I can use it as the unique identifier attached to an autonumber in the Helper Sheet and move rows to archive when we are done with them?

  • Any thoughts on this issue?

  • ✭✭
    edited 08/21/24

    Nevermind…it works as a formula, but it is a circular reference to the fact that the Title row relies on the Matching Row ID. So, it doesn't actually all work. :(.

    It seems like I have reached a limit for SmartSheet.


    Actually, I tried again, and I was able to make this work:

    =COUNTIFS(Title$1:Title@row, OR(ISBLANK(@cell), NOT(ISBLANK(@cell))))

    However, I saw in this that to make this a column formula, you have to replace the @cell with @row, and that doesn't work. But, it works with the @cell. Is there another change I have to make to make this work for a column formula?

    How can I set a Row ID column that does not change when you move, add or delete rows

  • ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Last post…still interested in getting help with this. However, as a work around, I:
    1. Created a Helper Column that I put - in each cell down to row 50

    2. That allowed me to create a Auto Number Column.

    3. Made the 'Matching Row ID': =MATCH([Auto ID]@row, [Auto ID]:[Auto ID], 0)

    4. Then, had to make the Title Column: =IFERROR(INDEX(COLLECT({Title_HelperSheet}, {RowID_HelperSheet}, VALUE([Matching Row ID]@row)), 1), " ")

    Now, hoping that doesn't somehow break for the other columns I'm pulling from the Helper Sheet. Would love to be able to do this without the #1 Helper Column because that is a manual helper that has to have data, which means making sure that we remember to increase the - down if needed.

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