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Smartsheet Basics

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Changing Status Symbol from "Hold" to "Yes" depending on dropdown menu entry

Hi all! I am looking to utilize the "Hold" and "Yes" symbols (Yellow triangle with ! and Green circle with check mark) as a "health indicator" depending on a specific value recorded in a dropdown menu column.

I have a dropdown menu column whereby the you can select either "E-MAIL" or "REPORT" as the value of the "Last Report Type" column (letting me know whether the last report sent out to the client was in the form of an email or a formal report).

I have drafted the below formula that WORKS by showing the "Hold" symbol in my "health indicator" column when "E-MAIL" is selected in the "Last Report Type" column. However, I do not know how to also include a formula whereby if "REPORT" is selected in the "Last Report Type" column that the symbol turns to "Yes" in the "health indicator" column.

=IF([Last Report Type]@row = "E-MAIL", "Hold")

=IF([Last Report Type]@row = "REPORT", "YES")

How do I make it so that I can combine both of these formulas in the "health indicator" column so that the symbol changes to either one or the other depending on if the "Last Report Type" column is an E-MAIL versus REPORT?


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