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Sheet Speed problem


I have a sheet we are using to track payments etc with the layout is simple

First Col is the Colored dots Red/Yellow/Green

Cols 2 to 7 are just plain data 3 are date fields the rest are text

Col 8 has the only formula = TODAY() - [Check Date]1


However the issue is the speed of the sheet, it acts very sluggish and the first column is never auto populated by a red dot like I wanted to set up.   How can I improve the speed of this sheet, if it takes to long to load or move through it makes no sense for me to continue using it.





  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I have not had problems with so small a sheet with speed.

    If the problem persists, contact support@smartsheet.com

    For the RYG column, there is no "default" value for a new row unless you:

    1. Enter all new rows via a Form


    2. Create a formula that sets the value 


    but ... as soon as some updates manually one of the rows nearby*, the formula will be lost and auto-fill won't work anymore.

    *nearby depends on where the new rows is being added. For more, see the article on auto-fill: 


    I hope this helps.



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