Formulas and Functions

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Calculating SUM of Duration

I have a Smartsheet (Sheet A) that I use to track projects assigned to each employee and the duration of that project (a Start Date, End Date, and a Duration column with a formula that shows the individual duration for a specific task).

I have a separate Smartsheet (Sheet B) that I use for reporting purposes that looks at Sheet A to calculate the # of projects each employee has completed. I would like to be able to sum up the duration associated with each Employee. In the example below, I would expect Bob's Total Trip Duration to be 3 days + 2 days = 5 days, while Dave's would be 4 days. What are some ways I can achieve this?

Thank you in advance!

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    First, I would make sure the "Total Trip Duration" column is also a duration column, and use this formula to reference Sheet A:

    =SUMIFS({Duration}, {Assigned To}, ATS@row)

    This will find the sum of the Duration column when the Assigned To column is equal to the name in the ATS row.

    I hope this helps!

    Renée Roberge


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