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Date format Formula

Hi All

My Date column is formatted to YY/MM/DD - 2024-11-08

I have a week-ending column with the following formula. Returning the End day of the week that the Date column falls into

=IF(OR(ISBLANK([Date]@row), [Date]@row = "N/A"), "", "WE- " + ([Date]@row + (6 - WEEKDAY([Date]@row))))

BUT the return looks like this WE- 08-11-2024

How can I get it to return WE - 2024-11-08

Best Answer

  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Give this a try:

    =IF(OR(ISBLANK([Date]@row), [Date]@row = "N/A"), "", "WE - " + YEAR([Date]@row + (6 - WEEKDAY([Date]@row))) + "-" + IF(MONTH([Date]@row + (6 - WEEKDAY([Date]@row))) < 10, "0") + MONTH([Date]@row + (6 - WEEKDAY([Date]@row))) + "-" + IF(DAY([Date]@row + (6 - WEEKDAY([Date]@row))) < 10, "0") + DAY([Date]@row + (6 - WEEKDAY([Date]@row))))

    This will essentially systematically assemble the desired date format. There are provisions for days and months that are single digit. Otherwise you would end up with results such as WE - 2025-1-4 instead of WE - 2025-01-04.


  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Give this a try:

    =IF(OR(ISBLANK([Date]@row), [Date]@row = "N/A"), "", "WE - " + YEAR([Date]@row + (6 - WEEKDAY([Date]@row))) + "-" + IF(MONTH([Date]@row + (6 - WEEKDAY([Date]@row))) < 10, "0") + MONTH([Date]@row + (6 - WEEKDAY([Date]@row))) + "-" + IF(DAY([Date]@row + (6 - WEEKDAY([Date]@row))) < 10, "0") + DAY([Date]@row + (6 - WEEKDAY([Date]@row))))

    This will essentially systematically assemble the desired date format. There are provisions for days and months that are single digit. Otherwise you would end up with results such as WE - 2025-1-4 instead of WE - 2025-01-04.

  • Thank you Carson - Worked a treat :-)

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