Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Duplicates in formula-generated column

I use formula =IF(COUNTIF(Column:Column, Column@row) > 1, 1) to find duplicate values within a column. However, this formula does not work if the value of the source column is generated by a formula. For Instance, ColumnC = ColumnA + ColumnB. The above referenced formula does not work when trying to find duplicates in ColumnC. Is there any way to accomplish this?

Best Answers

  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    I set up a duplicate of your exact sheet and was able to duplicate your results. I'm not exactly sure how/why, but there appears to be some confusion when parsing entries in your Device ID column as text vs. numbers. I was able to get it working by wrapping VALUE() tags so that all would be treated as numbers. Hopefully it will work for you as well.

    =IF(ISBLANK([Device ID]@row), 0, IF(COUNTIF([Device ID]:[Device ID], VALUE(@cell) = VALUE([Device ID]@row)) > 1, 1))

  • Answer ✓

    Thanks Carson. That did the trick; and I learned something new! Much appreciated.


  • Community Champion

    Your formula should work even in the scenario you are describing. In your example, would you be dealing with numbers/text/symbols? Just curious if this could be formatting related.

    I set up a quick example and it is working:

    In this example for formulas are as follows:

    ColumnC: =ColumnA@row + ColumnB@row

    ColumnD: =IF(COUNTIF(ColumnC:ColumnC, ColumnC@row) > 1, 1)

  • Thanks for the reply, Carlson. All fields contain Text/Number values. A per the screenshots below, A and C are Text/Number and B is Dropdown list. All rows in the screenshot below should be marked as duplicate except for the 3rd and 4th rows.

    Formula for Device ID=IF([Loc ID]@row = "", "", LEFT([Loc ID]@row, 4) + ID@row)

    Formula for DupIDSW=IF(ISBLANK([Device ID]@row), 0, IF(COUNTIF([Device ID]:[Device ID], [Device ID]@row) > 1, 1))

  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    I set up a duplicate of your exact sheet and was able to duplicate your results. I'm not exactly sure how/why, but there appears to be some confusion when parsing entries in your Device ID column as text vs. numbers. I was able to get it working by wrapping VALUE() tags so that all would be treated as numbers. Hopefully it will work for you as well.

    =IF(ISBLANK([Device ID]@row), 0, IF(COUNTIF([Device ID]:[Device ID], VALUE(@cell) = VALUE([Device ID]@row)) > 1, 1))

  • Answer ✓

    Thanks Carson. That did the trick; and I learned something new! Much appreciated.

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