Smartsheet Basics

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Timeline View in Dashboard


I am trying to add a timeline view to a dashboard I am working on, not a gantt view. Is this feature that can be done in smartsheet?

Best Answer


  • AGREED! This is the most disappointing rollout ever. Then they rollout board view, when they already have a card view, before even finishing the capabilities of this feature. COME ON!

  • ✭✭✭

    It would be very handy to have timeline view be able to be embedded in a dashboard, it's a lot clearer to see than a Gannt chart, and to have it live updated instead of using a snip of an image of one would be far better reporting wise. Please develop this

  • Trying to do the same thing here. The timeline view is the perfect application for the dashboard. I've been a long-time Smartsheet user and it's frustrating that obvious things to most of us aren't obvious to their dev team (can I get a short date anyone?). It's like nobody at Smartsheet has ever worked outside of Smartsheet or let alone sought feedback from a client before the rollout of a new capability. Looking forward to Blackstone's takeover.

  • Pretty please??? 🙏🙏🙏 Not opposed to begging if it will bump this up.

  • edited 11/08/24

    FYI - This is why the ENGAGE conference is one of the most valuable conferences to attend. Its coming but I agree lets speed this one up!

    In the interim I would recommend setting up your timeline views and use shortcut, title, or image widget with a link to the timeline view.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    PLEASE….. When are we going to be able to use the timeline view in reports/dashboards. It's useless until we have that ability. My leadership is starting to move towards AirTable.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Yes, this is absolutely asinine.

    I now have to send Smartsheet data to AirTable in order to provide my leadership the visuals they want to see. I've been using Smartsheet for 16 or 17 years and have not been as disappointed with Smartsheet as I have been over the last 2 or so years.

    Now with the new pricing model it may no longer be worth the cost to my employer. Guess I'll have to get better at AirTable, which is too bad since the ability is there. Smartsheet just has to get off their buts and make it reportable.

    AirTable example below, using data from Smartsheet;

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