Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Cross Sheet Reference If Cell is Not Blank

Hello - I'm trying to produce a Y/N output based on whether a cell from another sheet is not blank. If the cell in the other sheet is not blank, I want to produce a "Y", if it is, I want to produce a "N".

This is the formula I put, but I'm getting an #INCORRECTARGUMENT. What am I missing here?

=IF({CPR Expiration}, <>"", "Y", "N")

Best Answer

  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hey @mhint829

    Try this (Note I intentionally changed the criteria to look for blanks with the COUNTIFS then equally zero. This is another way of saying there are no blank rows)

    =IF(COUNTIFS({CPR Expiration}, ="")=0,"Y","N")

    Does this work for you?


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