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Cross Sheet COUNTIFS

edited 01/08/25 in Formulas and Functions


I have a data sheet with a date column and column A.

I have another sheet for summaries where I am trying to do make a cross sheet reference formula from the data sheet.

I am trying to make a formula: count if date is in October 2024 and cell at column A is "no"

Here is the formula that I tried: =COUNTIF({Data Sheet Range 1}, "No", {Data Sheet Range 5}, AND(YEAR(@cell) = 2024, MONTH(@cell) = 10))

I get invalid data type.

Any sort of assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

Best Answer

  • ✭✭✭✭
    edited 01/08/25 Answer ✓

    If you use a countifs formula (countifs always multiple parameters) and then say that the date has to be greater or equal to the 1st of october 2024 and less than or equal to the 31st of octboer 2024 that should work. Something like this:

    =COUNTIFS({Data Sheet Range 1}, "No", {Data Sheet Range 5}, >=DATE(2024, 10, 1), {Data Sheet Range 5}, <=DATE(2024, 10, 31))

    Hopefully that works?


  • ✭✭✭✭
    edited 01/08/25 Answer ✓

    If you use a countifs formula (countifs always multiple parameters) and then say that the date has to be greater or equal to the 1st of october 2024 and less than or equal to the 31st of octboer 2024 that should work. Something like this:

    =COUNTIFS({Data Sheet Range 1}, "No", {Data Sheet Range 5}, >=DATE(2024, 10, 1), {Data Sheet Range 5}, <=DATE(2024, 10, 31))

    Hopefully that works?

  • That worked! Thank you so much!
    That formula will help me get rid of so many different reports and sheets!

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