Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Hello Everyone, Hoping that someone can help me out please.

I am trying to do a COUNTIFS formula with NOT / OR plus ISBLANK function.

I was able to build where I can get count of ABC units that are NEW and are not Completed or Cancelled.
Worked: COUNTIFS([Unit Name]:[Unit Name], "ABC", [Unit Type]:[Unit Type], "NEW", [Schedule visit]:[Schedule visit], NOT(OR(@cell = "Completed", @cell = "Cancelled")))

Now I have added ISBLANK to count blank cells in [Unit at WH] column but am getting error Incorrect arrangement set!
Not working: COUNTIFS([Unit Name]:[Unit Name], "ABC", [Unit Type]:[Unit Type], "NEW", [Schedule visit]:[Schedule visit], NOT(OR(@cell = "Completed", @cell = "Cancelled")), ISBLANK([Unit at WH]:[Unit at WH])))

Any suggestions would be awesome!

Best Answer

  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓


    =COUNTIFS([Unit Name]:[Unit Name], "ABC", [Unit Type]:[Unit Type], "NEW", [Schedule visit]:[Schedule visit], NOT(OR(@cell = "Completed", @cell = "Cancelled")), [Unit at WH]:[Unit at WH],@cell="")

    Will this work for you?


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