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Countifs in multi contact column referencing another sheet - Help!!

Please help, i am trying to count the total times each name appears in a multi contact column within 365 days referencing another sheet… where have i gone wrong?

=COUNTIFS({Archive T&F Date}, <=TODAY(), {Archive T&F Date}, >=TODAY(-365), {Archive T&F Presenter}, FIND("Jen McFarland", @cell) > 0))

It seems like the @cell bit would work if i were referencing the sheet i were in but i'm really stuck!

Note, my previous formula worked for all cells where only 1 name was listed but has not counted and where more than one name was listed.

=COUNTIFS({Archive T&F Date}, <=TODAY(), {Archive T&F Date}, >=TODAY(-365), {Archive T&F Presenter}, "Jen McFarland")

Best Answer


  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Give this a try:

    =COUNTIFS({Archive T&F Date}, <=TODAY(), {Archive T&F Date}, >=TODAY(-365), {Archive T&F Presenter}, HAS(@cell, "Jen McFarland"))

  • This seems to be working perfectly, thank you! I shall double check a few totals just to be sure but fingers crossed! Thanks so much.

  • Community Champion

    Awesome, I'm glad it is working for you!

  • So have another question in relation to this… I now need to add another criteria to my formula and have tried every combination i can think of but either get imparseable or incorrect argument. This bit working perfectly:-

    =COUNTIFS({Archive T&F Date}, <=TODAY(), {Archive T&F Date}, >=TODAY(-365), {Archive T&F Presenter}, HAS(@cell, "Jen McFarland"))

    The bit i want to add is

    {Cancelled}, =0,

    Have tried with/without =, in quotation marks, various combinations of false/N/0 but can't get it to work… help!

    (Cancelled is the sheet reference to a column in a separate sheet with a tickbox, so i only want it to count the ones that are not ticked)

  • Community Champion

    There could be some text/number inconsistency in your source sheet. Try wrapping the source in the VALUE() tag to force it to be treated as a number.

    =COUNTIFS({Archive T&F Date}, <=TODAY(), {Archive T&F Date}, >=TODAY(-365), {Archive T&F Presenter}, HAS(@cell, "Jen McFarland"), {Cancelled}, VALUE(@cell) = 0)

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