Formulas and Functions

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If Row is not empty, then cell equals value from another sheet

I'm having trouble getting the =IF(NOT(ISBLANK… formula to work.

I have a sheet (Sheet A) that automatically pulls data in from another source. I have added a column to that sheet to reference the project name which is stored in another location. My goal is that if a row is automatically added to Sheet A, then the Project column will populate it with project name.

So basically: If the row is not empty, 'Project" cell equals (the value of a specific cell from Project Metadata Sheet)

I have tried several formulas but most often I get the #Circular Reference warning.

Can someone help me understand where Im going wrong please?

Best Answer

  • ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    So you are getting the circular reference because you are evaluating the cell that you put the formula in. But I don't think the Match formula is going to do what you want it to do.It just returns a numerical value of the location of a cell in a table.

    I think the formula you need to use is probably just a vlookup, but for that to work you have to have a unique project ID or something to help it find the project name from the other sheet. How are you identifying the project names?


  • ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    So you are getting the circular reference because you are evaluating the cell that you put the formula in. But I don't think the Match formula is going to do what you want it to do.It just returns a numerical value of the location of a cell in a table.

    I think the formula you need to use is probably just a vlookup, but for that to work you have to have a unique project ID or something to help it find the project name from the other sheet. How are you identifying the project names?

  • That worked! I removed the reference from the Project column to another column on the row, removed the Match function, and just referenced the other sheet directly.

    =IF(NOT(ISBLANK([Report Week (Monday)]@row)), ({Project Metadata Range 1}))

    Thank you for your help!

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