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Charts and Sights



  • Sasan
    Sasan Employee
    edited 02/07/18

    Chart data source, type and range

    As you know a chart heavily relies on it's data source.  The source of data for a chart must be a Smartsheet Sheet.  In v1, the following column types will be supported for data points.

    • Text/Number (obviously numbers only)
    • Dropdown List (numbers only, excluding strings that look like numbers)
    • Auto-Number/System-generated column (numbers with no Prefix or Suffix)

    There will be support for most common data range/table (i.e. labels on the top row and labels on the left column and data in the middle).  Data types must be of numeric and column types indicated above.

    Column Names as Labels

    One of the unique features of SmartSheet is the ability to specify column names. If your data range does not have text as labels for the top row, the new chart widget will utilize your column names as default labels, so that you don't have to duplicated and re-enter the labels.  If you wish, you can turn on/off "Using column names as labels" through the following checkbox.


    Screen Shot 2018-02-07 at 7.10.14 AM.png

  • Sasan
    Sasan Employee

    Very soon! Should be within the next few weeks.

    Thank you


  • Sasan
    Sasan Employee
    edited 02/09/18

    Charts - Switch rows/columns

    When you create a chart, by default the axis on which the row and column data are plotted is set by the widget.  If you wish to quickly change the way that rows and columns are plotted in the chart click on Switching rows/columns or vice versa.  See example below.  

    (Pie charts: Depending on how your source data is structured, the Charts widget may not be able to plot the data to create a Pie chart.  To potentially enable use of a Pie chart, click on Switch rows/columns.)

    Clicking on for this example table

    will toggle between these views

  • Sasan
    Sasan Employee


    Charts are now available!  Please refresh your browser to get access to the Chart widget in your Dashboard.  For more information and details you can also read more about Charts at this post or read through previous posts on this discussion.



  • Maha
    Maha ✭✭

    Love! Love! Love!

  • Sasan
    Sasan Employee
  • Sasan
    Sasan Employee
    edited 04/11/18

    Charts against Reports

    We just released the new capability to select data from your Report.  You can now select a Report you have access to and then in the chart preview panel you will find a new button called "Select Columns".  You can then select specific columns in your Report you want to chart against.  

    Chart specific columns in a range

    This can also be used for a data range in a Sheet.  Once you have selected a range, you can select specific columns from your data range to chart against.

    Screen Shot 2018-03-19 at 12.06.54 PM.png

  • Sasan
    Sasan Employee


    You now have 10 more new chart types.  Make sure to refresh your browser to get the latest chart types.



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This discussion has been closed.