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How to include attachments (links) in exported sheets?




I exported a sheet to Excel and Google. All information is included, but the attachments. Many attachments are simple URLs, and even though I couldn't find in the exported sheets.


I export the sheets as a backup strategy, and not having the attachments (links) included makes the backup sense quite useless, since just partial information is there. From the exported sheet it would be impossible to rebuild a project out of Smartsheet.


Sure, maybe I'm missing how to include attachments links in exported sheets. Is it possible?





  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    This is true.

    If you are looking to rebuild Smartsheet using a backup (and who wouldn't want to be prepared for that?) - try this:




    is not what you need, as it only results in Excel sheets (but with attachments) for your workspaces.


    This is:



    Hope this helps.




  • Carlos Eduardo

    Thanks for reply Craig.


    a) "This: 


    is not what you need, as it only results in Excel sheets (but with attachments)"

    => Only the "attachments" uploaded to Smartsheet cloud are included. The attachments added as links or from Google Drive aren't included. So that isn't a true backup since important data are omitted and the user would never rebuild the full project based on this type of backup.


    b) "This is:


    I took a look in this other backup solution, which is "a Java command-line tool that you can use to completely backup your entire Smartsheet account. Compatible with multi-user (Smartsheet Team and Enterprise) plans only."

    => The issue with this solution is that it's limited to just some plans. My plan is "advanced", and this backup solution isn't available for my usage.


    That said, it seems Smartsheet doesn't provide a complete backup considering the regular solution (a). Even I had the plans mentioned in (b), the "Backup Tool is a command-line tool written in Java, and requires technical expertise to configure and deploy", what isn't my case and I can imagine that just companies with dedicated IT could handle that.


    In summary: regular backup tool (a) has severe data shortcoming (lack of info from linked data, Google Drive, OneDrive, Evernote, etc.) and user can't never recover his/her full attachment data based on this backup solution. 


    Does this conclusion proceed?






  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    I agree with most of your points.

    I agonized over this short coming when doing the initial roll-out testing for Smartsheet at my previous employer. I still do, well not for them. But it is still a concern.


    For your point on files kept elsewhere - are you saying the links to files located outside are not saved or that the file itself is not part of the back-up?

    If the first, that's a bug. If the second, I would argue that is comparable to expecting the backup to include the contents of a webpage that has been hyperlinked.

    I don't think it should do that.

    I don't use links - I upload/attach the files directly. 


    The Java backup tool does not take very long to set up and Smartsheet's devs will support the process if snags are encountered.

    But if you are looking for the linked data too ... it isn't going to solve your concerns.

    Is there another program or platfrom that will? One can't swing a dead cat without hitting another PM SaaS platform. 




  • Carlos Eduardo
    edited 11/21/16

    Thanks for feedback Craig.


    Regarding your question: "For your point on files kept elsewhere - are you saying the links to files located outside are not saved or that the file itself is not part of the back-up?"


    => I'm saying the links to files located outside are not saved. They are simple "URLs" and they should be included by Smartsheet in the backup. The backup documentation (https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/506499-backing-up-your-data) doesn't mention it, what could mislead inexperienced users that all their data are being backed up by Smartsheet, but it isn't.
    Suggestion: Smartsheet should be more transparent on that, updating the documentation to make it clear to the user.


    => The only attachment included in the backups are those uploaded to Smartsheet cloup. It doesn't make sense to use Smartsheet storage jsut to guarantee you will have attachments in your backups. Smartsheet claims handy connections with other apps, but neglects to backup those connections that, again, are simple "URLs".
    Suggestion: Smartsheet should implement a backup including links (URLs) to external connections (simple URLs, GoogleDrive, OneDrive, OneNote, etc.).It follows a short screencast with a simple suggestion that may be implemented easier by Smartsheet, since it follows the same logics of how comments are added to the backup:




  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I totally missed that hole - luckily, the one time I need the backup, the attachments weren't my concern - the functionality was.

    I agree the links should be there.

    Once bitten, twice shy.


  • Shaine Greenwood

    Hello All—


    I'll get your votes down on our enhancement request list for a more comprehensive backup solution, preferably one that includes the attachment link URLs in a column on the Excel file.

  • Please add my vote for this.

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