Adjust Column Size in Metric Widget
Please give us the ability to change the column size within metric widgets. It is very difficult to get good spacing with a forced 50/50 column size. Couple examples here: If I could adjust the right-side column size, I could have a perfect metric widget. Please Please 🙏
Merged: Trend Line over Column Charts
This discussion has been merged.
Can a Viewer interact with a Dashboard?
I use a report to list Open & Closed entries from a sheet. I have a dashboard with the Reporting Widget. Sometimes viewer want to comment on a particular entry they see on the dash. Is there a way to provide a feedback mechanism without granting full viewership to the source file? The source file contains info that I don't…
Why automation copies the row 3 times instead of once?
Hi everyone! On Smartsheet, I have a source file for which I created an automation. Through this automation, the 7 rows of the source file (whose values are updated multiple times a day) are copied to another destination file. According to the automation, the copy should only occur once a day at 4:00 p.m., and the goal is…
Place Months in chronological order on a Dashboard Trendline Chart Widget?
Context: I am building a trendline report to track number of projects started each month. It has two series, a 2024 and 2025 series. Two keep the months in order, I have put a number in front of the month, e.g. "03. March" so that when I create the trendline the months are not out of order. (e.g. in a previous iteration…
A PowerBI novice's guide to embedding dynamic reports in Smartsheet dashboards
I've recently embarked on a foray into linking PowerBI with Smartsheet, with the goal of creating dashboards where data can be sliced and diced interactively, and which update with new data automatically. The purpose of this post is to share the steps I had to go through, along with a few learnings, so that other novices…
Consolidate Columns in a Trendline Report
Context: I have created a trendline report that counts the number of projects started each month. I've done so by building out three separate columns that determine the month and year so that I can then plot it on a trendline graph with a 2024/2025 series. The Chart: How the data is organized: Month Formula:…
Is there a way to create a dashboard that will update weekly?
Right now I am sending out a weekly report, but am using excel and pivot tables. Some of the info on the report is YTD which is easy to set up, but other tables are only from the past week. Is there a way to set up graphs/tables that would update M-F weekly on their own? I don't want to pull from the last 7 days as that…
Milestone Trend Analysis (MTA) Chart creation on dashboard
Hello, I'm adapt/add a Milestone Trend Analysis (MTA Chart) on Smartsheet. Is there a way to reflect his on a dashboard. Here is a copy of what I would like reflected on our dashboards. Not my data but I saw this for usage with MSProject. I'm looking to have sheets with data and project/display this data on the dashboard…
How to create a Trendline in the Dashboard
Hello Smartsheet Community! So I am trying to create a trend line that shows the # of projects in flight each month since the beginning of 2024 (YTD) and since this same month last year (YOY). The problem I'm running into is that I'm creating a report of the data listing only the project names & the dates, but the…