Reworked Empty Chart State to replace "Unable to display chart" in Dashboards
I would like to see a rework of the "Unable to display chart" prompt in the Charts widget. I am building a series of dashboards using Grouped and Summarized reports as the source data for charts, pulling basic counts across multiple sheets. These reports are counting open and overdue tasks, the goal being that they'll be…
Dashboarding a specific cell
Hello all, I have a smartsheet set up to calculate an inventory as items are added and subtracted via a form. I want to dashboard the current total of the item. This is the top cell of a column. I can't get the top cell to display, as when I link the cells, it displays the old cell when a new one loads in. Any thoughts?
Sharing Issues with filters and edits
I was asked to help with some Smartsheet items (grid, dashboard, and report). I was given Editor (can share with others) for all three documents and I am on an Enterprise licensed account. With the Grid sheet: It also will not allow me to: add columns edit columns sort rows delete columns add column descriptions etc. It…
Creating a Multi-line Graph from Google Analytics to a Dashboard Chart.
Hello Everyone, I am attempting to chart some data from Google analytics to a dashboard. So far I have imported the data to DataTable then used connections to make a sheet out of it that as far as I understand should auto update. Then I created a Report of that same data so that I can create an auto updating dashboard…
A Handful of Dashboard Questions (Empty Data, Chart Formatting, Enhanced Tooltips)
I'm starting to work with Dashboards a lot as people are wanting to see graphs and at a glance analysis of project progress. Yesterday during a meeting I was asked if I could include other information on my graphs and I could only respond with "I don't know, I'm still figuring this out." So I'll bring the questions to the…
Dynamic Sizing of Dashboard Widgets
There are many times we show data within report widgets and there is a of whitespace due to not many things being in the report. The suggestion would be to have the widget adjust its size based on the number of displayed rows. Two things that would make it even better... Have a checkbox that allows setting to dynamic, in…
Bubble Chart / Heat Map
It would be nice to have the following: 1) a poll that collects data based off of criteria for Impact for a given project 2) using a range of 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 13, 21, 32 3) sum up the criteria for the Impact to use as a value in the bubble chart 4) a poll that collects data based off of criteria for Effort for a given…
Summary Sheet Formula and Milestone / Key Task Gantt
Hello community, I am new to using the smartsheet so hoping you can help me with the below. How can I update this fomula that I am planning to use in my Summary Sheet so that it only includes count of tasks that has a start date of in the future. I want to exclude those from my count. I consolidated 3 projects into one…
Selected data cannot be charted. Please select a new range error
Hello- I have charts on a few dashboards all set up the same, and they all stopped working. I tried creating a copy of the reports used in the charts but that doesn't help. Below is what one of the charts used to look like. It's a stacked bar graph showing the balance for the last available month and the $ in Foundation…
How can I create a helper sheet that reads totals from multiple reports
I need to create a 'helper sheet' sort of like a metrics that will collect multiple counts from multiple reports so that I can chart it easier in my dashboard. I currently have 60 reports which each have 3 counts on them, meaning that each one would need to be charted individually. I would like to be able to create a…