NEW! Multi-widget editing in dashboards
Hey Community! New feature alert! Multi-widget editing allows you to modify multiple dashboard widgets simultaneously, which saves a considerable amount of time and ensures all of the widgets you select look uniform. You can access multi-widget editing by selecting more than one widget and clicking on the pencil icon to…
How can I reschedule all the tasks dates based on the last task done?
I Have a entire project but the date is fixed base on the lead time of the project. If i have a delay on a task, i need to see the move on the entire project in a new column, is that possible? In the image I have the columns "Planned start" and "Planned ending", the dates are fixed. Team is filling the colums "Real Start"…
Hyperlinks in Sheet Summary not clickable when added to Dashboard as Metric Widget.
Is this intentional?
The Dashboard activities log in deep detail on Plan Insight
I see Dashboard Activities report is showing by Graph in Plan Insights on Admin Center but It is unable to see, download the activities in depth detail. The report is a good to show but useless. This can be improved and more useful if the following functions : Set up, Scheduling, Filtering activities (create, adjust, user…
Project Templates
I am creating a system to manage projects within our core business. To fully manage the project I have several sheets, reports and dashboards. Some of the sheets are tied together with automation copying rows and recording dates. The multiple reports are gathering data from the sheets to be displayed on the dashboard. The…
Daily Automated Report
I am a dead beginner with SmartSheets and I am self taught thus far so explain to me like I've never seen a computer before :) Our hospital holds daily huddles where each department reports out on questions specific to their unit (current paper form attached). I’ve created a sheet that includes all the questions to be…
Merged: Report Widget Content Formatting Options
This discussion has been merged.
Veränderte Darstellung eines Berichts nach Platzierung auf Dashboard (II)
Wieder wird ein Bericht durch Platzierung auf dem Dashboard verändert, so dass der Platzbedarf dieses Berichts sich sehr ungünstig verändert. Der Spaltentyp ist ein Dropdown und soll nicht verändert werden → Einträge dieses Spaltentyps werden auf dem Dashboard nicht nebeneinander sondern untereinander aufgeführt. Lässt…
Merged: Dashboard Real Estate - reduce white space
This discussion has been merged.
Syncing links between Smartsheet and Salesforce
I use the Salesforce Connector to synchronize information between Smartsheet and Salesforce. One of the fields we want to show in Salesforce contains a link to a project dashboard in Smartsheet. The cell with the link normally contains the project name hyperlinked to the dashboard. However, the connector will only copy the…