The web content widget doesn't shop up on mobile. It shows a generic icon, will this ever be fixed?
The web content widget doesn't shop up on mobile. It shows a generic icon, will this ever be fixed?
Uploading Additional Fonts
Re-opening someone else's old enhancement request - We would love to be able to select from a wider variety of fonts, and especially have the ability to upload our own. Edit: This was meant to go into enhancement requests but I think I added it to the normal forums, I apologize! 😓
Sheet Summary data not updating on Dashboard
My sheet summary data is intermittently not updating or very delayed in updating on my Dashboard. What makes it even weirder is that part of the sheet summary information from the same sheet will update, but another part of it will not. How can I fix this? Is there a known issue with this?
Information page
I would like to have a sheet with all of my part numbers and the various information that pertains to each part number on it. I would then like to have some sort of sheet or report that has a dropdown for me to select the part number I am looking for, then it will populate all of the information for that part but in the…
Consolidated Dashboard or PowerPoint
OK sleuths, this one is for you. We are an organization that loves powerpoint, and no matter what dashboards we create, a powerpoint presentation is typically still needed. We need a way to consolidate our project status in one easy document or dashboard. Is there any way to create the either of the two solutions below…
How to chart data
Hello, I am trying to chart this data as a bar chart: but when I try to visualize it, I get this weird error without any explanation about it: What should I do?
How can I export Schedule view?
I am looking to create a custom dashboard that does not seem feasible with the current filtering options available in People or Project view under Schedule. Is there a way to export resource bookings in Schedule?
How to track training hours across an organization
Hi, I need suggestions for how to track training hours for all employees. Each employee has a separate training sheet - it's broken out by training section with training items underneath. One of the columns on this sheet is Duration - this is used to track how many hours are needed for that training task. I need to create…
Enhanced Stacked Graphs or Heat Maps in Dashboard
Reports with multiple source data such as Project Manager, Size of Project, and # of Projects per PM- Should be able to translate nicely into a stacked graph. Have yet to find a way to do this without being suggested that we need to create a metrics sheet for each project to then roll into a portfolio metrics sheet. If the…
Import Excel with multiple worksheets (Including Reports/Dashboards) to Smartsheet
Hello, I have a multi worksheet excel sheet : includes a tab for each: Introduction Worksheet, Data Worksheet, and reports linked to the Data Worksheet/dashboards Worksheet (includes various formulas). Is there a way to import the whole content into smartmeet. We cannot purchase additional addons unfortortunately. I tried…