Formula that will look at how many submissions there have been by group in the last 7 days
I am trying to figure out how to pull the data from a different sheet to build my roll up and dashboard. I am trying to use the following formula. The goal is to be able to show how many submissions there were last week for each group. =COUNTIFS({JHA Tracker with Form Range 66}, @cell <=TODAY()), ({JHA Tracker with Form…
Index/Match vs Index/Collect vs Index/Contains
Creating a sheet to collect and answer FAQs, I am attempting to populate the System/Tech Supporting SME dependent upon the selected system/technology. I have my primary collection sheet and then I have made a reference sheet for some formulas. Relevant columns with fake data from the primary collection sheet. System/Tech…
Index match with Left
I'm trying to make an Index/Match formula and I can use some help. I have a Smartsheet with a list of parts (Sheet1). I also have a Smartsheet that has a list of part prefixes and a contact for parts beginning with that prefix (Sheet2). I would like to do an Index match on my parts smarsheet (sheet1) so that any parts…
Retrieve value from "Top Parent" when Ancestor level = 2
I have a project management sheet. CSYYXXXX is the header for the project name column Tasks is the tasks column - at the parent row, I just write "Tasks" and then there are child rows below that. Some of these child rows and another level of descendant rows. I want a column formula (to serve as a helper column for various…
Updating a Parent Row Based on Children's Status
Hello! We are trying to create a formula to accommodate the following logic: IF any [RFP Status] of children HAS In Progress or Canceled return the value "In Progress", IF ALL [RFP Status] of children HAS Complete or Canceled return the value "Complete", Otherwise, Not Started. I generated the formula below using AI,…
Salesforce Connector
Good evening - We use the Salesforce Connector to sync account information to Smartsheet. Syncing all accounts to a single Smartsheet exceeded cell limits. So, we created a different Smartsheet for each account status (i.e. Client, Former Client, Vendor, etc.). I hoped to create an automation that would remove the…
Snapshot of Smartsheet comparing TODAY to Start and End Dates
I have a grid sheet full of contracts: each row is a contract. Each row has a START DATE and END DATE along with other details about the contract. I was tasked with creating a dashboard to represent this grid sheet over time. I am now creating a reference sheet to pull "snap-shots" of data from the grid sheet. I put in a…
Merged: Find and Replace Function in Formulas
This discussion has been merged.
Ability to Find & Replace text in Formulas
Hi Team, I am aware that this functionality isn't currently available. But, as someone who works on rows & rows of data every day, replacing values in a formula using the Find & Replace feature is extremely helpful and time-saving. As I type this, I have the daunting task of going back to my sheet on SmartSheets and…
Project Status Formula and Checklist items
We have a project checklist template that is provisioned via Control Center. There are hidden columns (the "Task Not Needed" referenced in the formula) that show only the checklist for the Project Type selected in intake - the tasks that are not supposed to appear are checked because all the project-specific checklists…