Index/Match/Contains formula not working in all cases
I have a question regarding an Index/Match formula. This is for a cross-sheet function. I have two sheets: Call them "Project" and "Jeopardy" Project sheet columns: PID: this is a 6 or 7 digit number identifying the Project Path to Green: this is the "Path to Green" for a Jeopardy against the project. This is where the…
How to Sum up Children Rows when another Column is Checked?
Hello all! I have been searching and trying for an answer most of the afternoon now, with no success. I have a budget sheet I am working on that needs to sum up the children Amount rows in a month when a checkbox in the Reflected in Account checkbox is checked. So far I have been trying this formula:…
Lookup value in next blank row (W/Reference Another Sheet)
We are trying to auto-number rows once we have an approval completed. We cannot use the auto-number function, as the owner would like to keep the numbering order as the order they were approved. The sheet is grouped into different categories, making it so the lines are not in order of when they will be approved. I created…
IF string results in blank than give back text
Hello, I have the below formula that looks at two different sheets to determine the status of a test result. The first index collect logic is looking for the Lot ID AND the test type are both found on the same row of the Test Log sheet. If he has found both then it looks up what the test status is and returns it back to…
Data Shuttle and Join Collect formulas
Hello, I have a formula JOIN/COLLECT formula that works perfectly fine when referencing a vlookup sheet with manually entered data. Once that sheet is replaced with data shuttle workflow, the JOIN/COLLECT formula no longer displays data, resulting in an empty return (no error). All vlookup references properly reference the…
Highlight a specific cell not the entire column/row
I'm looking to only have child rows highlighted when the value is greater than one. Currently conditional formatting only allows for applying a format to an entire row, or to all the cells within a column (Parent + Child) are there any formulas I can embed in a child row cell that will only highlight for that specific cell?
IF formula with Multiple conditions- help required
Hi, I am trying to work out the forumla that is based on a lead time field (manually entered) vs turnaround field (automatically calculated on dates) , the formula I want has multiple conditions which I am struggling to put into one IF formula, would appreciate anyones help - thanks/ I want to have a formula that says: IF…
A cross sheet formula that reference back to the main sheet?
Hi all! I'd be very grateful for your help... I have a Smartsheet where I would like to have an index match or vlookup formula or similar, which references a secondary sheet. The problem is that the relevant field in the secondary sheet contains a formula that needs to reference back to the main sheet. I have made up some…
Is there a way to refer to the Row URL so that the link to the specific row can be used...
I have clients that get asked to review ticket information and they get informed via automation messages that their input is required. And, yes, those automation messages include the link to the Smartsheet at the very top of the email sent to them. However, they would like the URL for the row to be sent to them so that…
Add Dynamic Reference in Formula
Hi, I'm creating a summary sheet, I have a few sheets with the same columns, and I want to add COUNTIF formulas to the summary sheet, I'd like to know if there's any way that the Reference should be a dynamic option, so if a user chooses on the Reference sheet from a dropdown column: Sheet 1, the formulas knows to use…