Embed hierarchy function as the range within the COLLECTION function
I amy trying to execute the following function. Does anyone know if it, or something like it, is possible: = AVG(COLLECT(CHILDREN(), CHILDREN(), ISNUMBER()))
Parent Row Rollup
Is there a way to rollup values of a custom column to a parent and other hierarchical parents without using the SUM function in each parent row? For example: I added columns A, B, and C. Column C = A * B. Is there a function or some other way to sum up column C to a parent row? Or do I need to use the SUM function in the…
New Functions and Notification Controls
Hello Smartsheet Community! Happy Monday! We released some new features over the weekend. Below is a description of the new features and relevant help content to learn more:* Three New Functions:* SMALL—Find the n-th lowest value in a range. * LARGE—Find the n-th highest value in a range. * COLLECT—Used within another…
Count down in days formula
I need help finding the right formula. I have basic Gantt with four phases, each phase has tasks associated with it as well as durations. I've set a "start date" column and by using durations for each task and predecessors I then have the calculated "finish date" column for each tasks and each phase. I need to create a…
'Conditional'/Multiple Predecessors
Is it possible for start date of a task to be based on dates tied to one of two other tasks? E.g. Task 2 must start not more that 10 days from completion of Task 1. Under normal circumstances, this allows task 2 to start not more than 10 days from start date of task 3. If start date of task 3 must be accelerated, however,…
count text occurrence in a check box column
I have a multi-user sheet. 4 column with to-do tasks. When tasks are complete, the user put their initials in the box. At the end of the column, I have a formula that adds up the initials and the cell fills in a "YES" for all complete or stays "NO" if not all complete. At any given time, there could be 75-100 of these…
Building a report based on the calendar, and I need to use "YESTERDAY"
I'm building a report that will show things that are happening TODAY and in the FUTURE. I can build each of those separately, but together seems to be an issue. I built a filter based upon date being YESTERDAY, but when I go back to check it, it has placed the actual date in the field. Is there a more permanent solution to…
Contingency duration based on predecessors
I was wondering if it is possible to create a task whose duration is determined by two predecessors, one from backward planning and one from forward constraints. I would like to use this, among others, to show dynamic contingency periods in my project. Let's take the simplest example, a project with the following three…
IF Statement and CheckBox
I am trying to get a sum of % completion based on a Checkbox. For example, if someone checks off 3-4 of the boxes, and I know the weighting for each box (as shown in the IF statement, I would like to have a sum at the end as per the screenshot. The problem is, the sum isn't working. Any thoughts...?
Help with a formula
Hello, This is probably a basic question... I am wondering how to input a formula that would allow me to calculate the value/price of something based on a drop-down selection. For instance, column A would have a drop-down options listing different tree species. For example, Redwood, Elm, and Walnut. Column B would have the…