Auto populating Rows based on the number in the Qty box
Hi. Is it possible to auto populate rows based on the number I have in my QTY cell? I want when I enter a 3 in the QTY cell it automatically copies and adds those three lines. I need each of the in this case branding # to have their own lines and I do not want to have to put in all this data. Sometimes we have up to 100 or…
Index-Match cross-sheet reference for a Contact List column
Hello everyone - thank you for your help. I am having some challenges with an Index/Match formula that populates a Contact List type column from a cross-sheet reference. It is finding the data & pulling it back, but it is not formatting the column as a "contact" - it looks like plain text (no contact "circle") This is my…
Formula help if statement but want to include if blank
I have a formula to say if a certain row contains a value then use another columns data instead. I want it to do the same if the cell is blank. This is what I have so far =IF(CustomerName@row = "NCR Intercompany", ServiceCustomerName@row, CustomerName@row)
Calculating Formula help
My goal is if total number of students is 0 then it should equal number of students then in Total students the formula will be total number of students minus number of students
Count of all rows that do NOT have a completed status
I'm trying to get a count of all cases that are not complete (aka open), to use on a dashboard metric widget. Eventually I'd probably like to be able to have a metric widget showing the count of cases that are in each status EXCEPT complete. I've dug around on the communities and I can't seem to get it to work. This is…
Formula to Summarize spending each week to display in a Dashboard
Hello, I have a large sheet that we use for procurement for our company. Employees use a form to requisition items, and then when I place the order for them I input the date ordered into a column. Another column tracks the cost of each order. I would like to have a formula that uses the "Ordered Date" column to add up the…
IF Formula for Today's Date between Two Dates
I'm trying to create a formula that is only triggered when today's date is between two dates. Otherwise, I want it to be blank. I want the dates to be in the cells and not just in the formula. I use this year over year and it will be a lot faster to change them for next year. I get Invalid Operation when I use the dates in…
Link % completion and Status fields
We have 2 columns. 1) % completion 2) Status (not started, in progress, completed, significant delay, etc). We would like that every time we move % Completion from 0 to any number up to 100, Status gets automatically updated to "in progress". And when % completion hits 100%, then Status is "Completed" We will still want to…
COUNTIF and CONTAINS in a formula.
Hello! I am trying to count the number of times where a specific phrase is. For example, I have XX - YYYYY as my specific phrase; but some times there might be an XX - YYYYY - ZZZZ or even UUU - XX - YYYYY - ZZZZ. Is there anyway to count the amount of times that "XX - YYYYY" exists?
Ranking by score
Hello, I have a sheet that contains people and scores (1-100) based on their performance. I want to create a table to show the top 10 and the bottom 10 people based on their score. Any ideas on how to do that? Regards,