Sheet Summary % Complete
I am feeling silly that I can't get this to work. I want to get the % complete of my project based on those with the status of "Complete" divided by all columns that have text in it. =COUNTIF(Status:Status, "Complete") / COUNTIF(Status:Status, ISTEXT(@cell))
zip Code Radius Help
Hello Everyone!!! Hope my question makes sense. But I am trying to figure out if there is a formula that can provide me a Max Distance radius from Retailer formula that shows the max range in which we should set our radius targeting for these retailers. I have the retailers full address, Zip, Lat and Long so I feel like…
How do I sum cell values in a column up to a specific sum, and return the adjacent cell value?
First time posting a question, fairly new to smartsheet. I have a spreadsheet in googlesheets that does what I need, but as we are moving over to smartsheet with a lot of our other work, I would like to get this set up in smartsheet as well. We grow sweet corn, I have data that I use to make planting schedules and predict…
COUNTIF and HAS functions not working on multiselect columns
Hi! I am having an issue with using the COUNTIF and HAS functions together to count all instances in a select all that applies column. I'm specifically using this on a metric sheet to add it on my dashboard. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?
Countifs and NOT(ISBLANK)
Hi, I'm hoping someone can point me in the correct direction. I'm trying to get a Count of the amount of unit of a specified category if they are not yet assigned. Basically, I have Column "STOCK" that I want to count what is assigned in box SEARCH201 if "ASSIGNED" is empty. This is what I have so far:…
Cant figure out Summing 2 columns based on text in another
I'm trying to sum up two budget columns, based on the budget type in another column. For some reason I keep getting errors and can not figure this out. =SUMIF(Program:Program, "BDM", [PO Raised]:[Planned, not POd]) Program Column = Text/Number = "BDM" PO Raised & Planned, not POd columns are also text/number columns that…
Can you use the IF functions on drop down lists?
I am wondering if anyone has used multiple dropdown list columns that are essentially parent, child, ancestor so if parent column choice is ... then child column choices are .. and if ... ancestor choices are Thanks. MoFo
Entry date/Payments
I have a sheet that tracks payments made by certain clients. When I add a new client that payment is due in June, the formulas are putting in automatically, payments that "should" have been paid in May. How do I make it so that the sheet won't calculate until the "entry date"?
How to make my due date column continuous and with a specific time range in between dates
I am trying to make the due date column so that it enters a date for every 22 days. I want this to be an "endless" column in that it goes all the way down without having to be manually entered. Is there a way to set the due date column to calculate this automatically and fill out all of the rows under it?
Nested IF AND with Multiple logics - Not bringing the expected outcome
I am trying to write the following logic to calculate the SLA breach. LOW - Greater than - 7 days MEDIUM - Greater than - 4 days HIGH - Greater than - 2 days CRITICAL - Greater than - 1 day. However, the formula is not accurately bringing the breach/no breach as expected. Except "Critical" all of the other severity logics…