Entry date/Payments
I have a sheet that tracks payments made by certain clients. When I add a new client that payment is due in June, the formulas are putting in automatically, payments that "should" have been paid in May. How do I make it so that the sheet won't calculate until the "entry date"?
How to make my due date column continuous and with a specific time range in between dates
I am trying to make the due date column so that it enters a date for every 22 days. I want this to be an "endless" column in that it goes all the way down without having to be manually entered. Is there a way to set the due date column to calculate this automatically and fill out all of the rows under it?
Nested IF AND with Multiple logics - Not bringing the expected outcome
I am trying to write the following logic to calculate the SLA breach. LOW - Greater than - 7 days MEDIUM - Greater than - 4 days HIGH - Greater than - 2 days CRITICAL - Greater than - 1 day. However, the formula is not accurately bringing the breach/no breach as expected. Except "Critical" all of the other severity logics…
Recurring Tasks
Hello I am setting up a smartsheet that will be used to track all the recurring task we have to do in a year. The frequency at which these repeat vary drastically so I wanted to see how one would format their sheet to account for this. For example I have a task that needs to be done the Monday following all major holidays…
Auto number risk column only adding till row 20 to another sheet reference
Dear reader, I came across a unique issue and need a help. I created a 'portfolio sheet' with list of projects in one column and a next column for Risk ID with text single line I created a separate sheet 'Risk register' with a dropdown of all the projects similar to the portfolio list and added a Risk ID column with #Auto…
HELP What am I doing wrong in this formula?
=INDEX(COLLECT({Unit/Manager List WI Range 1}, {Unit/Manager List WI Range 7}, [Area of Study Parent]@row, {Unit/Manager List WI Range 8}, [Area of Study - Nursing]@row, {Unit/Manager List WI Range 9}, [Area of Study - Radiography]@row, {Unit/Manager List WI Range 10}, [Area of Study - Rehab Services - PT/OT/ST]@row,…
Formula Question for IF(AND(NOT(ISBLANK(
I have a sheet that contains book information and want to index/match date from another Smartsheet as long as the date in the column called Most Recent Available Date@row is greater than today AND InventoryID@row is not blank. If either of these is not the case, then I just want an empty cell. Here is the formula I…
CountIf between two numbers
I would like to count how many people scored between 99.5 and 99.9. Here is my formual. =COUNTIFS(Janury2:January12; >=99.5; January2:January13; <=99.9)
Find Matching cells between 2 sheets
I need to find cells that match each other on 2 sheets and display them on a 3rd sheet, but the displayed cells have to be in the last 14 days of a date column on one of the original 2 sheets.
Use Row@row to reference the row above in a column formula
I'm attempting to use Row@row along with an Auto Number column, in a column formula, so I don't have to manually update the formula when rows move within the sheet, but am not having any luck. The formula in the Est. RU Date column is RU Date, if it is populated, otherwise it should take the date in the Est. RD Date column…