Index-Match cross-sheet reference for a Contact List column

Hello everyone - thank you for your help.  I am having some challenges with an Index/Match formula that populates a Contact List type column from a cross-sheet reference.  It is finding the data & pulling it back, but it is not formatting the column as a "contact" - it looks like plain text (no contact "circle")
This is my formula in my (Main Sheet):=INDEX({Vendor Master - Approver}, MATCH([Vendor Name]@row, {Vendor Master - Vendor Name}, 0), 1)

Vendor Name


Vendor A

=INDEX({Vendor Master - Approver}, MATCH([Vendor Name]@row, {Vendor Master - Vendor Name}, 0), 1)

Vendor B

Harry King

Vendor C

Claire Long

This is data in the other sheet (Vendor Master) I am INDEX / MATCHING on.  When Vendor Name in VENDOR MASTER SHEET. Of course I am leaving out other columns on both sheets to keep it super simple.

Vendor Name


Vendor A

Vendor B

Vendor C

Does anyone have any feedback on what I need to do to have the MAIN SHEET have the data formatted as a Contact like this?


Vendor Name


Vendor A

Vendor B

Vendor C

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