Countif with multiple criteria
I am trying to create a countif formula with multiple criteria with one being the approval status and the other being scheduled (which is a date and I want to count it as "1"). I'm trying =countifs(range1, "Approved") +countif(range 2, ???) The question marks if where I am having issues. The column is formatting as a date…
How to combine multiple values in a cell based on unique identifier
Hello, I've been reading through many different Smartsheet forum threads on how to do various formulas using Index / Collect / Join / Match functions, however, I have been unable to adapt any of the formulas I'm finding to do what I need to do. Everything either shows up blank or gives me error messages. Goal If there are…
Change <60 Days to search by month
So I have this formula which searches the past 60 days. =COUNTIFS({18b Issues Range Installers}, [Installer Code]@row, {18b Issues Range Issue1}, ="Pictures", {18b Issues Range DT}, AND(@cell >= TODAY() - 60)) + COUNTIFS({18b Issues Range Installers}, [Installer Code]@row, {18b Issues Range 2}, ="Pictures", {18b Issues…
Give category based on number of digits
I'm hoping to find the best way to write a formula based on the number of digits. I have column called "Area" which contains number of 1, 2, or 3 digits. I need to write a formula in another column to give a designation to the area, either "R" for all 1 and 2 digit numbers and a "C" for all 3 digit numbers. Any help from…
Hello - looking for help creating my sign in and out form.
I am fairly new (yet familiar with the possibilities available) in Smartsheet. I am in the process of creating a tracking form for my job to see anytime a device is in use and which employee is in possession of a shared device and what location they are working at that moment. I am collecting the employee's name and ID…
Link Sheets and pull multiple data
Dear Smartsheets family I am fairly sure this is a simple question but how can I link two forms and import multiple data information into the sheet by simply updating the unique form no. I had used a template and it stated a 'Portfolio Summery' that I cannot find. But non the less what is the process? Here are some screen…
@Paul Newcome can you help. I have a formula that i had Gemini AI create that isn't working. for average time in mm:ss format. first can smart sheet display a result like this. 2nd if so, what is wrong with this formula? =TEXT(((SUM([Total Match Time]:[Total Match Time]) / Stats4) / 60), "[0]") & ":" &…
Hi All - I am new to Smartsheets and I'm attempting to teach myself as I go. I created a sheet for every department that also has a form attached with specific questions to be answered. Department managers will use the form link provided to input their information daily. I am struggling with how to get these metrics to…
Currency conversation using a table in a separate sheet
I would like to use collect/look-up to reference and convert amounts into USD. Columns on the sheet where the conversation needs to take place: Reimbursement Amount Currency 3-letter code If the 3 letter code is USD, copy the amount, if it is not USD, it needs to look up 3-letter code and times it by the conversation rate.…
How to highlight the values in the column which is greater than or less than the other column values
Suppose, the order quantity we have taken from the customer is 500, and the quantity we have placed an order with our supplier is 600 how to highlight this excess quantity?