Formula Issue - Email Addresses
Hello, I am running into an issue of automations and triggers not working because of multiple email addresses in a cell. As you will see in the Dashboard screenshot attached, rows 2 and 3 that have one email address listed under the "College/Department Designee Email" column is leading to all appropriate workflow actions -…
Count number of days in date range that fall in current week
Hi everyone, I have a number of project plans in Smartsheet and am trying to get a summary of how many task hours each person has assigned for the current week. The plans currently capture task Start Date, End Date, and number of hours required to complete the task. As some tasks will take multiple weeks to complete, I…
VLOOKUP Formula Help
Hi everyone, I have two sheets: one is a training requests log and the other is a feedback survey. What I am trying to do is pull the "motivation reason" from the Training Requests log to the Feedback Survey sheet. My idea for the criteria is: IF the "Name" and "Internal Course" (Training Log) match with the information…
Hi all, I created the following formula to search through another sheet and, if a location has submitted a row in the applicable month, it is supposed to check the box on our confirmation sheet. It worked for January (see below) but is not working for February. What am I doing wrong? =IFERROR(IF(INDEX({Month Name},…
Issues Connecting Dates in Blueprint derived Workspace and Summary Sheet
I'm having some difficulty in associating a date cell created by a blueprint program with the project it creates. Is there a way to change this that I'm unaware of? Setup Summary: I have a blueprint that pulls from an intake sheet to create a new project workspace. The intake sheet contains a Start Date and a Go Live date.…
Help getting the summary of my sheet
I am not getting the result I need from a formula I am using. I am trying to track how many audits are completed and how many are left to do in total for this quarter '__ of ___ done', currently I am using this formula: =COUNTIF(CHILDREN(Done2:Done130), 1) + " of " + COUNT(CHILDREN([Task Name]2:[Task Name]130)) + "" + "…
Formula linking one column to another sheet; =IF(ISBLANK) function
Hi all! I need some assistance in creating a formula that links a column in my first sheet (Health Records) to a formula that is in another sheet. In this second sheet I hope to use the =IF(BLANK) function to display whether these records are "Complete" or if left blank in sheet one, "Incomplete". I have tried using the…
Why does the INDEX/MATCH formula return the same value for same value cells on different rows
I am using an INDEX/COLLECT Formula: =INDEX(COLLECT({IP}, {Site}, SIte@row, {Lane Number and Direction}, [Lane Number/Direction]@row), 1) This works great. Except for when the Lane Number/Direction is the same value in the rows. I have a several rows of Sites with the same value (BK-1-1E). The Lane Number/Direction is the…
Collecting Average Between 2 Ranges
Hi all! I am trying to collect an average over the last 12 rows (including the current row). To do this, I created 2 additional helper columns (Line-ID and Row#), and trying enclosing the condition in an AND clause, however this seems to return unparseable. I think I am on the right path or way of thinking here, but that…
Formula returning Invalid Column Value
Hello, I'm struggling with a formula that is returning an in valid column value error. All columns are Text/Number. Sheet 1 has one row for each project. Sheet 2 has a column that may have multiple project numbers in the same field. I need to return the value in the Status field (which is a drop down) if the project number…