RANKEQ with a date criteria
Hi there, I am trying to pull the most recent fee payment value from each regional group. I want this to pull through to a report so that I can see that most recent payment value In a report where all the regions appear once. I have the region column (called DNO) the fee payment column (called A&D fees) and the date column…
Counting Dates within a specific month
I am trying to count the number of entries per month. My formula for January specifically is below. Can anyone fix this? =COUNTIF({Sourced Date}, MONTH(1))
Week Commencing Date
Does anyone have a formula I could use to work out the week commencing date for a date field where Monday is the start of the week?
How to count dates in a column? INVALID DATATYPE error
I want to count how many dates in a column called "Completed" occur in the month of January. Using this formula =COUNTIF([Completed]:[Completed], MONTH(@cell) = 1) returns INVALID DATATYPE whether I use it in a cell on the sheet or in a sheet summary field or on a separate metric sheet with the formula referencing the…
Formula to Count multiple text values in a range
I have 2 columns/ranges. I need to count if range1 is value text1 and range2 has values text2, and text3, and text4. This formula works so far =COUNTIFS([Range1]:[Range1], "Text1", [Range2]:[Range2], "Text2") However things get wonky when I wan to add more text values to Range 2. So it would kinda look like below. But…
COUNTIFS Using both AND and OR
Hi, Looking for a bit of help trying to utilize the COUNTIFs function to filter based on a specific value for one variable and between two other values for the other variable. In the sample table below, I'm looking to get a count where the TASTE is PREFERRED and the ALLERGIES is either YES or UNKNOWN. I've tried the below…
HELP with formula - Countifs which counts total with 3 criteria met
I can get two criteria to work with the first part of this formula but when I add the third condition I get an error. =COUNTIFS({Return Mail Deep Dive Can Remail}, "Yes", ({Return Mail Deep Nixie Reason}, HAS(@cell, [Primary Column]@row), ({Return Mail Deep Dive Grouped Findings}, HAS(@cell, [Grouped Findings]@row)))) Can…
Is there a way to have each row calculate the duration?
Hello! I am trying to make a travel for work log where when someone enters their dates they are traveling for work, it automatically calculates it in the travel for work days column. I like how the below screen capture is set up, I would just like to find a way to automate it without having to enter in how many days they…
Index/Match Help
Hi - I have a sheet called "Source Data" which has a list of roles in Column A and the description of the Role in Column B. In another sheet "Worksuite Requests" I want the description from the Source Data to pull in if the role name is a match. I can't quite get the formula:
I am trying to pull totals from my 2023 sheet into my 2024 sheet. The totals I am pulling are in a different column but same row as where I want them, so I decided to use VLOOKUP. 2023 Sheet: 2024 Sheet: I want 'Total 2023' to be pulled and placed in 'Previous Years Total' for each corresponding row. My formula:…