Cell Link/Reference - COUNT Question
Good Afternoon all, hoping for some assistance with this formula I am putting together. For my Number of Dealers Column on Sheet 1, I am trying to get a formula to count the number of Dealer ID's that fall under a certain Market. For Sheet 1 the formula will be looking up cells from Sheet 2. The formula needs to match the…
Please add a ROW() Function
This simple function would enable (or simplify) formulas. Autonumbering is the current alternative but requires a column and is clunky. ROW() is helpful to grab cross-sheet data via INDEX when there are multiple sheets with the same row structure but different access permissions.
Autopopulating formulas for column
Hi, Is there anyway we can have a parent row column and have the formula "=IF(COUNT(CHILDREN(FindingType@row)) > 0, 1)" auto-populate instead of having to type each formula for every row of that column? I would like the formula to actually show as 1 for the parent row instead of '=IF(COUNT(CHILDREN(FindingType@row)) > 0,…
WEEKNUMBER function doesn't seem to be updating promptly?
Hi, I am using the following formula to populate a checkbox called "this week?" if a fitting is scheduled to take place this week: =IF(AND(YEAR(TODAY()) = YEAR([EXPECT FITTING DATE]@row), WEEKNUMBER(TODAY()) = WEEKNUMBER([EXPECT FITTING DATE]@row)), 1, 0) I'm using the checkbox to filter a report so the user can see what…
Clean up reference sheet labels
I've searched how to clean up reference sheet labels within a task sheet when creating formulas, and I can't seem to find anything. It gets unruly when I'm creating formulas in multiple columns. Thanks for the help! Linda
The expected progress percentage does not match the completed percentage.
Hello, I'm trying to set up my spreadsheet in a way that I can have a column that calculates the expected percentage of an activity for the current day based on the start date and end date. The formula I am using for this column is: Expected percentage: =IF(TODAY() > [End Date]@row; 1; IF(TODAY() >= [Start Date]@row;…
Comparing dates
Hello everyone, I have three date columns with individual dates. In a fourth column, I want to display the next upcoming date which is not in the past. In Excel, I would have used something like this: =MIN(IF(A1:C1>=TODAY(),A1:C1)) I'm not sure how to achieve this in Smartsheet, especially when it comes to comparing…
Auto populate a contact cell but still with overwrite capabilities
Hello, I am trying to "suggest" a contact in a contact list column but can't find a way to automatically populate a cell while still having the ability to overwrite it later if that suggestion is not correct. So I've got a Program column, a Suggested column, and a Assignee column. Program is a dropdown and Suggested…
Complex Smartsheet Formula Help - Duplicate Entry Searching
I'm working on a sheet that logs employee FTE changes across various grants. Over time, one employee might accumulate several changes across different grants. The sheet columns are as follows: Employee Name, Grant, Name, Previous FTE, New FTE, Approval Status, and Record Status. If two or more records are referencing the…
Hello everyone, I have a sheet that summarizes the data across our portfolio. There are three columns I want to use in my COUNTIFS function: Core Assignment, SLT Flag, Status. I want to count all the projects that equal the core name, have the flagged checked, and status is NOT in Completed, Cancelled, or On Hold. The…