Should be simple I thought
I have tried what I thought should be a simple formula two or three different ways. Here is the basis of the requirement. Multiple Months, Multiple Vendors with multiple invoices within a month, Multiple projects that some of the vendors bill to and others do not. For the purpose of this exercise, I need to get the invoice…
Numerical Values (Points) for Dropdown Fields and totaling the Numerical Values
Hi, I am working on a sheet where I have 6 fields that require the user to select a value. Each field's value will have a numerical (points) equivalent. I have created the 6 dropdown fields and was successfully able to build a "helper" column next to each, using an IF statement to populate the Helper column with a…
How to match clinical trials to subjects based on eligibility criteria columns?
Hello, I have 2 sheets and I want to pull information from sheet to another sheet if certain criteria are met. The first sheet, "Slot List", is a list of clinical trials and the columns contain the study name and certain eligibility criteria patients need to meet to join the study. On the second sheet, "Trial Match", is a…
If 2 Criteria Met On Second Sheet, Display ID Number from Second Sheet on First Sheet
I am trying to write a cross-sheet formula in sheet 1 (field name is Row ID) to display the Row ID from a second sheet if the second sheet Newest field and ED field are both checked (see below). I've been looking through posts and attempting INDEX/MATCH, nested IFs, etc. and nothing is working so far. Any help would be…
Sum last n rows
Does anyone know how to write a formula that will sum up the last four rows only? Example- The GPO Volume dollar amount gets populated each quarter. I would like a formula that would remove row 11 and add in row 15 once the value is in there so I can only show the last 4 quarters total volume. Thanks in advance!
Trying to incorporate ISBLANK into a formula
=IF(ISBLANK([Monday Job]@row, ""), INDEX(COLLECT({Per Diem Database Range 1}, {Per Diem Database Range 2}, [Employee ID]@row, {Per Diem Database Range 3}, [Monday Job]@row), 1),) Getting an unparseable on this one any help would be greatly appreciated. Brandon
Include Parent Row text in JOIN formula
Hello, first time posting, long time smartsheet users. I am trying to include the parent row text in my formula but not sure how. My Formula will only pull the text of the CHILDREN but not the parent. I need column "X" to be "BI, Engineering" =JOIN(DISTINCT(DESCENDANTS([Data Group]@row)), ", ")
Hiding Or Removing Duplicates In a Report
Hi all! I have a report on a sheet that has many duplicate values, and for the sake of nice presentation I would like them hidden. To further explain my situation, I have a sheet I am referencing that has tasks, days to complete, the week of completion of these tasks, and finally the avg days to complete a task per week.…
Convert drop down in text format to date format
I have seen various other questions in the community, but I can't quite get my equation there, I am trying to convert a drop down from a form to a date in the adjacent column. All dropdown items are formatted as follows: 7/07/20 Here is what I am trying: =DATE(VALUE("20" + RIGHT([Testing Date]@row, 6, 7)),…
Formula won't recognize cell data
Hi, I have several formulas in sheet summary that reference a single person in an assignment column in my sheet. The formulas are repeated multiple times and work just fine, however I seem to have issues with this single person. Any formula that includes this person, does not work. Any insight on how to fix this? I've…