Hello Everyone! I followed a lot of the tips and suggestions that were already on the threads and for some reason I am unable to get the formula to do what I want it to do! I am trying to figure out how many of our initiatives are in a certain stage during a certain date range. The formula that I am using is…
What am I doing wrong when using Workday formula?
I am using this formula: =WORKDAY($[Due Date]$1, [Days from Close Day]101, Holidays:Holidays) It is returning Invalid Data Type Error. I think the issue is Holidays. It is working on some rows. I want to add it to new rows and I am getting this error. What am I doing wrong?
Can you create a COUNTIF formula with 3 columns?
In a separate metrics sheet, I am trying to count the number of pregnancy studies qualified in the month of October. I want to formula to count the row if the column contains: Type of Study contains "Pregnancy" Phase = "Qualified" Month Name Identifier (Helper Column) = 10
Index Match Error
Are you able to help me with a formula problem? I am using a combination of MID and Right functions to pull a number from a text string.... Manager Name = Karri (800014723) Manager ID =MID(RIGHT([Manager Name]@row, 11), 2, 9) Manager ID = 800014723 -------------------------------- Now I am trying to use the Manager ID cell…
Which formula do I need "Has" or "Countifs"
I'm having trouble knowing what type of formula to use in my dashboard, and how to get the results that I need. To preface - I am very new to Smartsheet, and the use of formulas so pretty much "learning as I go". What I have here is a result of combined YouTube videos and LinkedIn learning Smartsheet 101 videos. Let me…
Color Symbol formula not working
Hi! I'm trying create a formula that shows the following: Blue - Status is complete Green - Estimated completion day it today or in the future Yellow - Estimated completion date is between 1-7 days past the due date it is yellow Red - Estimated completion date is 8+ days past due it is Red. Gray - if there are no dates.…
Sum total days in date range which fall on certain days of the week
Where the first instance of 'Days Not Worked' for a member of staff occurs (the first date of that person's annual leave), I want to input a distinct value (only once) in the column 'Deduct N/A Annual Leave'. This is the sum of, where manager type is Company annual leave, the number of days in a date ranges between…
IF(AND(OR Statement
I need assistance with a formula. =IF(AND(OR([Specialty]@row = "type1", [Monthly Average Billings]@row >= 50000), [Specialty]@row = "type2", [Monthly Average Billings]@row >= 30000),"Yes","No"))) Type1 meets 50000 = Yes / Type1 doesn't meet 50000 = No or Type2 meets 30000 = Yes / Type2 doesn't meet 30000 = No
MROUND to round down?
I am attempting to build a rounding formula to match FDA nutritional labeling guidelines. Using "calories" as an example, below are the rules I have to follow to build out the formula so that someone can type in the calculated value for calories in one column and get guidance on what value needs to be placed on the printed…
Need help with Health Status Formula
I have a sheet with 3 columns: Action, Status, Health I want the health to populate a green, red, yellow, or gray circle depending on which status the action is in. The status and corresponding health colors are: Blank = Red Not Started = Red In progress = Yellow Completed = Green Cancelled = Gray On Hold = Gray Looking…