Validating a column with formula COUNT
Hi team - I have an ID column that needs to have 18 characters (collected via a form), typically someone filling out the form will include a 16-character ID that breaks our automation and their input is not captured (lots of automation rows moving based on criteria, etc.) I'm thinking that there's a way to use COUNT…
How to recreate a payment month Excel formula in Smartsheet
Hoping you might be able to help me with migrating a formula from Excel into Smartsheet. I'm in the process of recreating a payment tracker solution for some colleagues of mine, but I'm struggling to replicate one of the formulas. The formula is as follows: =IF(DAY(C4)<=3,TEXT(C4,"yy-mm(mmm)"),TEXT(C4+30,"yy-mm(mmm)")) The…
Pivot table with countifs using multiple criteria
Hello All, I am trying to build a pivot table using the countifs formula that looks at a spreadsheet containing two various criteria - one is by line of business and the other is if a selection = Yes from a drop down menu - they are in two separate columns but within the same spreadsheet and the pivot table is its own…
Hello, i need some help how do i connect the %complete column to the status column
for example if the status says in progress i want the %complete column to automatically say 50% can anyone help me?
Count 1, 2, 3 etc from a specific point in a column and then restart for replicated parent row
Hello community, I would like a formula that creates a string of numbers starting at 1 every time I reach a new set of children in a row, but also skipping any group that has the name accessories or rack. I only want to count (starting from 1 each time) for the group that is "Equipment Master List" with the parent being…
Look for matching fields in multiple Smartsheet's and return an adjacent field.
I have an ID number that can be located in one of multiple Smartsheet's. I would like to look for and match this ID number and return a field from the same row from whichever Smartsheet (SS)matches the ID number. I have multiple formulas that allow me to find the matching ID# from only one SS: 1) =VLOOKUP([AIE-ID#]@row,…
Auto Populate field based on selection
Good morning everyone! i am hoping you can please assist me. I am trying to create a form that if a person selects a name their position auto populates. Can anyone help me with this? Peppey
Can anyone please explain why my Mid formula is not working?
I am trying to pull the 5 digit number ID in the middle of this text string. My formula works for the ones labled CTV however for everything else it is an #Incorrect Argument. Any help would be greatly appreciated =IFERROR(MID([Campaign Name]@row, FIND("_CTV", [Campaign Name]@row) - 5, 5), MID([Campaign Name]@row,…
How to check if cell contains one thing or another?
Hi all, I'm making a sheet that references another sheet to get data for a detailed graph. I'm trying to count the total number of small, medium, and large projects. The formula I have that works for individual campuses is as follows: =COUNTIFS({Size}, CONTAINS("Small", @cell), {Campus}, CONTAINS("Example", @cell), {In…
Formula to Count a value and create Sequence number stops and repeats
In an source sheet we have list of countries. If India is twice and in destination sheet it is 6 times but the value I need it in sequence i.e., 1,2 and starts again from 1,2 and again 1,2. US is at 3 times in souce hence in destination sheet 1,2,3 and repeats.