Counting Opened Opened for a Particular Year
Hello, I want to count the number of tickets that were opened in 2022. I am getting a invalid date type error message. The date range in the cross reference is restricted to dates only. =COUNTIF({Date Requested}, YEAR(@cell) = 2022)
Smartsheet bug? Time / Rounding formula error
Hi, I'm using the following formula to calculate the difference between 2 times: =IFERROR((VALUE(LEFT([End Time]@row, FIND(":", [End Time]@row) - 1)) + VALUE(RIGHT([End Time]@row, 2)) / 60) - (VALUE(LEFT([Start Time]@row, FIND(":", [Start Time]@row) - 1)) + VALUE(RIGHT([Start Time]@row, 2)) / 60), " ") And then using the…
Add timestamp to Join/Collect Column Formula
Hi, I have a Join/Collect column formula that I'd like to add a timestamp to. Is this possible? If not, is there a workaround? Sheet1 contains a list of Accounts populated with answers from a questionnaire. An Account can have multi rows. Sheet2 consolidates these answers into a single row. The column formula in Column3 is…
adding a decimal to a date does not round up
I have a field that is calculating the average of days, which comes in as a decimal. When I go to add this decimal number to a date to get a future date, it only uses the whole number of the decimal, and if the decimal number is 15.94, it only uses the 15. Why would it not use 16?
Checkboxes and populating data
Hi all, I have 3 different sheets set up. Sheet 1 a list of names with assorted data for each name. There's a check box that will move rows to sheet 2 if checked. Sheet 2 contains data that was moved from sheet 1. There's a second check box column on both of these sheets, let's call it "active" In Sheet 3, I have the same…
How to prevent Countifs column formula from updating previous cells.
I have created a log book request form that needs to generate a unique ID (YYYY-##-###) based on 3 criteria: Year submitted (4 digit year), Site Code (preassigned 2 digit site code), and Log Book Type request count. The formula I'm using performs as needed, except it changes previous Log book numbers that have rows with…
Counting # rows submitted in a particular month and year
Hello, my current formula only counts what month a row was submitted but not the year. How can I get the formula to also count the row if it happened in January of the current year? =COUNTIF({Date Submitted}, IFERROR(MONTH(@cell), 0) = 1)
Hi all, Having an issue with a formula; I want to sum column 3 based on fulfilling criteria from 2 other columns eg If Column A says "Product" and column B says "2024 May" then sum column Column C It may seem simple, but having issues... Thanks
Remove Accented characters and replace with non-accented characters
Hello, I have an intake of name data in three columns: First Name, Middle Name and Last Name. I have then got a formula to join them up in a fourth columns: E.g., Selma Anna Żakowicz will become: Żakowicz/Selma Anna Joined Up Formula: =[Last Name]@row + "/" + [First Name]@row + " " + [Middle Name]@row This joined up column…
NEW Help Article! Automatically update the TODAY function in formulas
Hi Community, Do you use the TODAY Function in any of your formulas? If so, there are a few different ways you can make sure this function is updated daily to reflect the current date without needing to open the sheet. Check out this NEW Help Article titled Automatically update the TODAY function in formulas that details…