Hi, I am wanting to =countif({Postcode 2}, does not contain any of the listed postcodes .... and then the same for a sumif however my brain is not working :( help please :)
Get comma separated values from a cell and copy the values into independent cells
I have a column: "Materials QTY" values in this cell: "10,5,100,1400,11000,2" (comma separated no spaces). I have independent columns ie. "Material 1 QTY", "Material 2 QTY", "Material 3 QTY" up to 20. I need to extract the 1st value from the "Materials QTY" and populate it in "Material 1 QTY"; the 2nd value from the…
Multiple contacts in a sheet summary field
Hi, We use control center and we love using Sheet Summary field to bring in certain values from Specific Sheet (using cross-sheet reference formula) then we feed that info to column with column formula so every row will have the same info. We noticed we can't do this for Multi-Select Contact in Sheet Summary if column type…
SUMIFS Formula Assistance
I have a sheet in which I want to SUM a column of data if the status is equal to a value and the year is equal to 2023. It seems to not like my year criteria =SUMIFS([SaaS Value]:[SaaS Value], Status:Status, "Active", Year:Year, "2023") Specifically I am getting an invalid data type error
How to ignore (0.00) when using SMALL Formula
I have 3 columns and each row I would like to return the smallest number. If one of the three columns contains a zero then I would like to return the NEXT smallest - essentially ignore the zero (0.00). How do I accomplish this?
Index Collect including Cross Sheet Date Comparison - Formula Help
I have two sheets. On the current month's data (#2 below), I am trying to pull in previous treatments from the Historical Patient Treatments (#1 below) Historical Patient Treatments Treatment - Name of Treatment - {Treatment} Acct - Customer Account {Acct} MRN - Patient Medical Record Number {MRN} Newest - A checkbox…
IF(CONTAINS Formula - if adjacent cell contains text, reference cell in another sheet, else blank
I have a sheet where I want to list the client name from a separate sheet in column 1, if column 2@row contains text. Otherwise, leave blank. Currently I have it written as: =IF(CONTAINS("*",Activity@row){Other sheet range 1}," ")) where Other Sheet Range 1 is the specific cell with the client name. It's not functioning,…
Using Countifs with multiple references to other sheets
Been playing with this for a while but can not seem to get this right. Any help would be appreciated =COUNTIFS({Editing List-3-2018 Range 2}, >=(DATE(2018, 7, 1), {Editing List-3-2018 Range 5}, ="Name"), Date:Date, <=(DATE(2018,6,30), [Assigned to: Editor]:[Assigned to: Editor],="Name")
Trying to use SUMIF to Sum one column but only of the items in another column
I am trying to get the SUM of SaaS Value if the value in the Backlog Status column is Active Backlog. Tried this and I am getting unparseable SUMIF([Backlog Status]:[Backlog Status],”Inactive Backlog”, [SaaS Value]:[SaaS Value])
Use AverageIf to do turnaround time?
Hi, and thanks in advance for reading/helping. We're wanting to display up-to-the-minute turnaround times year-to-date for responses to entries. Some of the rows go back into 2022 and should not be shown as part of our metric. I am trying to use a sheet summary field to show the current average of response. I have the…