Index Collect Error

Hello! I am trying to use an INDEX COLLECT function to get a number value. It uses the following:

  • Total number
  • Filter of the Month
  • Matches names between two sheets

This is the formula I am using and it is returning an Incorrect Argument Set error.

=INDEX(COLLECT({OPK Monthly Report 22-23 Unfilled 0-3}, {OPK Monthly Report 22-23 Month}, "April"), {OPK Monthly Report 22-23 Grantee Name}, (Grantee@row), 1)

Any help is greatly appreciated!


Best Answer

  • Dan W
    Dan W ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Might be you need to move the first )

    try this

    =INDEX(COLLECT({OPK Monthly Report 22-23 Unfilled 0-3}, {OPK Monthly Report 22-23 Month}, "April", {OPK Monthly Report 22-23 Grantee Name}, Grantee@row), 1)
