Unique Id in one sheet and Duplicates Id in another sheet
Hi Good people I have two sheets - FTTH Program sheet and the PMO_DataDump sheet On the FTTH Program sheet i have the unique id - PN number and on the PMO_DataDump also have the unique id with duplicates (PN Number), I'm trying to Calculate the sum from the column called HP from PMO_DataDump sheet for every unique Id in…
Why didn't my original CountIF formula work?
I am trying to count the number of projects that began since Jan 1, 2024. I typed in the formula =COUNTIF([Start Date]:[Start Date], ">= Jan 1, 2024"). Basically I wanted to count the number of projects with a start date that were equal to Jan 1, 2024 or greater. However that formula gave the blatantly incorrect answer.…
Why is 'DAY' Value from a Date being populated incorrectly?
I have a 'Formatted Date' column with a column formula (below) that formats the date from the row's date timestamp, which I renamed to 'Training Completion Date', into DD-MMM-YYYY format. All rows but one is getting the correct day from the DATE. I cannot figure out why 10/08/24 returns 9-Oct-2024. Curious to know if…
Counting items in a cell separated by comma
Hello, Thank you in advance. Need help getting the count of the values in a cell that are separated by a comma. Example in a Cell I could have three values: Blue, Green, Yellow. Need to return the value 3 but I can't seem to find that anywhere in the community. Thank you again!
Formula Help
Hello, I have a formula to determine the days between two cells: =IF(OR([Status]@row = "CLOSED", ISDATE([Closure Date]@row) = 1), [Closure Date]@row - [Date Initiated]@row, TODAY() - [Date Initiated]@row) However, I need to add in to return "N/A" to the days open if the value within Date Initiated is N/A. I have a similar…
Counting Active Projects
Hey! I am wanting to count the number of projects in each department (e.g., Health Action) that are marked as active. I am currently using this formula where I manually enter how many inactive project to subtract from the total but I would like to have this imbedded in a formula so it updates automatically. Thank you!
Join row data formula
I have two sheets for a traning evaluation form. They both have a common column, TrainingID. Based on that column I want to bring in data from one sheet to another. Example: For all rows that have BLS05 as a Training ID, I want the data columns from Facilitator Information to merge with the Evaluation sheet Facilitator…
COUNTIFS for Escalation Tracking
I am looking to create a formula that counts the how many times over the last 12 months escalations of a certain deal size occurred. Deal size is represented as range of AUM in text format. The current formula I'm using is =COUNTIFS({Escalations Range 1}, "75M - 150M", {Escalations Range 2}, >TODAY(-365)) I created a…
Assistance with returning cell data base on most recent day in specified year.
I am trying to create a formula on a sheet summary that returns the information in my row titled Total that corresponds with the most recent date within a specified year. I came up with the following formula but it is returning #No Match =INDEX([Total]:[Total], MATCH(MAX(COLLECT([Report Date]:[Report Date], [Report…
Need a column formula to pull balance from last row
I have looked at multiple questions and threads on the community and not found an answer that works. I am trying to create a column formula that pulls the [Balance] from the previous row into the current row entry. I was getting a #circular reference error, I tried IFERROR and some recommendations on other posts, but…