Creating a multi-sheet formula to match a contact list that references a drop-down list
Hello to you, Smartsheet community! I am in need of assistance with formulas. I'm so lost in the syntax that I don't know right from wrong, up from down, HAS or COLLECT 😵. I do not identify as a power user with formulas — wizards are my dearest friend — so this push into the advanced features has been a journey. Is it…
IF AND OR Formula *almost* works correctly but one part!
Hiya folks- all arguments work correctly except turning Health the color Yellow when Recommended Due Date is within 3 days of current date and status is not Complete. Here is what I need to accomplish: IF [Status] is"Complete" or "Cancelled/NA" then [Health] ="Blue" IF [Recommended DueDate] <= TODAY and [status] <>…
I'm receiving a #NO MATCH error with a simple COUNTIFS formula. I'm trying to get a count of the number of times "Routine" occurs in the column, "Workover Type (Routine, Non-Routine)" (text/number column, with a formula), when the "Status" is "SI - Unassigned to WO Rig" (dropdown list column type). Any help is appreciated!
Multiple Sequences Need to Be Complete/NA to Provide a Complete Value
Writing formulas is not a strong suite of mine - I've tried a few routes (IF OR AND) but I'm either running into invalid formulas or formulas that are not netting the right results. I am trying to write a formula where I'm looking for sequence values to be either Complete or N/A and based on those sequences being one of…
IF statement based on cells in same row
I have a sheet where every row requires two approvals before it's fully approved. What would the formula be to make this work? For example, approval column 1 is named "initial approval" and approval column 2 is named "COHS approval". Both cells are dropdowns with the options pending, approved, or denied. I want the first…
I need a formula that reflects the remaining due if not paid in full isnt checked off otherwise reflect it as a $0.00
Hello Everyone! I am creating a formula that returns the ID if the item type is "Book" and the status is NOT "Sold". My current formula I was trying is: =JOIN(COLLECT({ID}, {Item}, "Book", NOT({Status}= "Sold"), CHAR(10)) What is the correct way to return the ID for an item that is "Book" and the status is NOT "Sold". (Or…
Cross Reference Two Sheets
Hi I am very green smart sheet user and I need help typing up a formula. I want to reference emails in a column from one sheet called "Active_Master Contact Sheet" in the column "Email" and enter that email into my "World Series Master Crew List" in the column "Personal Email" I am getting hung up on how to make that…
How to count several non-blank rows based on specific criteria across two sheets
Hi Community! I have two different grid sheets within smarthseet with the following information: In sheet 1 I have several products that need a certain number of photography shots and being delivered in different channels. Each row has a due date. In sheet 2 I want to find a formula that would give me the numbers in blue.…
How to identify if a checkbox has ever been checked
Good morning, friends of Smartsheet, I need some help working through a process. I have a worksheet that has a checkbox column called 'escalate'. When we check that box, the row shows up on a report that our Compliance group can see, so they know their assistance is needed in some sort of communication efforts. Once the…