Calculating work completed and forecasts
I want the smartsheet to automatically update the “WIP (local)” column each month and reduce the current months forecast to £0. As you can see below, the “WIP (local)” column has increased and the forecast for September is £0 (this is fine). However, the smartsheet has now overestimated the total cost of the task (work…
If/Then formula with two options based on a date?
Hi all, While I am getting the hang of Smartsheet, I'm still a novice with formula. I currently have a column formula =[Record Entry Date]@row + 8 This adds 8 days to the "Record Entry Date" to create an "Archive Date" for each row. However, I now need to adjust the formula to be either 8 days or 30 days, depending on the…
Project Schedule Health from PMO Template
I've search the community and I think I'm just getting myself more confused since I'm not good with writing formula's. I downloaded the "project plan" template and I am still confused. I would like to show the following (I hope I'm explaining this right 😩): Blue (complete) = if schedule delta is = 0% AND % complete is 100%…
Counting and Dividing Certain Cells
I want to divide the number of requests that were completed on time by the total amount of requests submitted that month. I'm referencing another sheet in my formula. The following is giving me "UNPARSEABLE" =IF({On Time?} = "Yes", {Submitted Date}, YEAR(@cell) = 2023, {Submitted Date}, MONTH(@cell) = 1) / ({Submitted…
INDEX/MATCH returning #NO MATCH error but only for ONE cell
I have the following formula checking for matching emails in two sheets & returning the date: =IF(Done@row = 1, INDEX({Submission Date}, MATCH([Email Address]@row, {Submission Email})), "") It's inside an IF statement because the Done column checks if there's a submission for the email in the first place--I only want the…
Index Collect that excludes previous values in returning sheet
Hello- I am attempting to create an architecture where employees are auto-populated based on role. I have a sheet with the entire orgs employee list that contains names, employee numbers, and titles The working sheet is attempting to pull in all people of each job title. Each row is a job title (same title with multiple…
Need help with combining a formula that has less than, greater than date
I have a formula on row 8 that works with a date that is greater than 3/6/23 (Visit Date) based on criteria from 3 columns and outputs the response in the Overall Status column. This formula uses data from the 2nd, 3rd and 4th columns: 2nd column = Prob List & Notes Status - (has 2 drop down selections) 3rd column =…
How to write an "IF" formula involving a checkbox and drop down.
I'm trying to write a formula stating if the "Done" column is checked, then "Status" is complete, but keep getting #unparseable errors. I'm trying to avoid having to click "Done" and also change the status manually to complete. I'm incredibly novice with formulas and would greatly appreciate an assist!
COUNTIFS/CONTAINS - Identifying Placeholders
Hello! I am working on getting metrics to identify how many upcoming tasks (next 30 days, etc) have placeholders (from Resource Management) assigned to them rather than a specific contact. There doesn't seem to be a way to identify a placeholder from a contact so I have been attempting to use COUNTIF(CONTAINS.. function…
Is it possible to change the formula in one cell of a formulated column?