What is the maximum number of rows that can be added to a sheet?
I've searched for 'Row Limitations' on the help center, and haven't found an article which explains clearly so asking here. What is the maximum row limit (vertical, up to down) on a single sheet? I've seen both 5000, and 20000. Additionally, is there an article where this information is contained?
Countdown for days until due but stop counting after due date has passed
Hiya, I am trying to write a formula that will count the number of days until a task is due but will not start showing negative numbers once the due date has gone by. I came up with =NETWORKDAY([Today's Date]@row, [Date Next Check/Validation Due]@row) But couldn't figure out how to make it be blank once the Date Next…
Can I display all the values from a column on one sheet to another?
Hello Smartsheets, I'm attempting to have a sheet which can display the values of a particular column on "sheet A" to a column on "sheet b." Sheet A's column has repeat information (job names) that associate with different items. So the job name on Sheet A shows up multiple times with different items in different rows. I…
Formula to calculate a date based off of Checkbox?
I am looking for a formula that will auto populate a column with a date once the "Checkbox" has been clicked in a different column. I also need the populated date to be the date the checkbox was clicked PLUS 2 days. Thanks!
Show dealy in gantt chart
Hi We are trying to use Gantt chart, for planning a project timeline. We have expected start, actual start, planned end date and actual end date, because sometimes something gets in the way and we can't hold the original timeline. But we want to know how much of a delay we have or doesn't have. So we use the dates to…
CountIfs with Date Range on Multi-Select Dropdown
I was hoping to be able to find the answer elsewhere but have had no luck. I was able to build the following formula from other answers but stuck on the last part of the criteria (Warning Items) being in a multi-select drop down. So the formula works but is incorrect in that it does not count cells where there is more than…
How to count multiple columns
Hi, I am trying to count the number of users whose activity is greater than 0 for the past 3 months combined. Is there a way to use COUNTIFS on multiple columns?
Mathmatical formulas in Smartsheet
Hi there, I am attempting to make a calculator in Smartsheet using formulas like TAN and ACOS. These work in Excel but not in Smartsheet. Does anyone know any work arounds?
Two new functions released (COUNTM & HAS)
Hi everyone, I noticed that two new functions has been released. COUNTM and HAS Here are the details. COUNTM Counts the number of elements in a multi-contact or multi-select dropdown column cell or cell range. Returns the total number of elements found. https://help.smartsheet.com/function/countm HAS Search for an exact…
Mathematical formulas for SS
Hi Team, Would we be able to have mathematical formulas like TAN and ACOS please? Anything similar to excel. Currently we have a calculator to get some figures but we have to export into excel and then import them back into smartsheets. Thanks,